Outsourced Team
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Mathematical Model: The above is based on extensive experience building sales teams but is not a guarantee. Download the Excel doc and enter variables to better reflect your situation.
Overhead: Payroll tax, benefits, paid time off (vacation, holiday, illness), government compliance, office space and expenses, HR and recruiting, company events, poor work ethics.
Agency Fee. Includes recruiting, management, lead-gen.
Lead Sales: Resulting from 1,000 to 5,000 prospects sent voice mails and emails.
1. Commission teams eliminate rep salaries, sales manager pay and overhead.
2. Remote jobs allow recruiting reps nationally instead of locally for a faster ramp.
3. Closers can earn more with a higher commission rate instead of a salary so the best reps are attracted.
4. Time is required to direct a salary sales team even with a sales manager. No time with an outsourced team.
Will reps work on commission instead of salary?
Many reps may want a salary but they won’t get one. There may be hundreds of applicants for one salary job opening. Reps may be willing to work on commission as a trade for flexible hours and not being treated like a child by a sales manager that knows less than they do. Reps don’t like commuting and wasting money on car expenses. Reps can free up time for personal interest and a family. Closers want to make more money. Posers should stay on salary if they can and get a free ride.
Why should I outsource the team to you?
Many CEOs realize that they are better served running the company and doing product development. They may not have the time or don’t know how to build and manage a team. We have built 145 sales teams for clients. We can build a team faster and better than some sales manager perhaps was good at sales at then promoted to be an inept manager. The two jobs are completely differect yet this situation is quite common. A sales manager can be brought in as a caretaker for an existing team. Starting from zero is a lot harder especially with commission reps who don’t line up for free money like salary reps. All this and our fee is less than what a mediocre sales manager demands. Most of our clients never heard of outsourcing sales as an option and were quick to grasp the advantages.
Who takes on the contractual legal liabilities for the reps for an Outsourced Team?
We contract directly with the rep. You contract with us to build and manage an independent sales team. You have no direct relationship with the reps. If you bypass this arrangement by interfering with our management you can incur the liabilities. In this crazy litigious and regulated market we can save you time, money and lawsuits.
Can you guarantee a successful team
We hold ourselves to the same high standards as the financial advisors, lawyers, economists, physicians and weather forecasters. They tend to forecast a future that is like a mirage receding into the horizon. We know how to recruit, train and manage reps. However we can’t force reps to take the job, make calls, close or stay on. We also can’t make prospects buy your products. We can say that a sales manager promoted from a rep or brought in off the street cannot compare to the hard-won expertise of building 145 commission sales teams. We are your best bet.
Are your fees fair?
That’s your call. We will say that the time and costs to deliver a sales team makes for modest margins. It’s worth it only over a long-term relationship and with a monthly term we know we need to run.
Which option should I choose?
The services provide are the same. The difference is how fast the team can grow with more recruiting and lead-gen. If you are funded and need to get rid of all that cash fast the Scale option may be a good choice. Most companies go with the Ramp option as a good balance between price and speed.
Sales Training
What qualifications do you have for sales training?
I built 145 sales teams since 1987. All from start-up and with commission reps. This was after a career as a top 1% commission rep. Details are on the About Us page.
Can I check out your Sales Library
After we talk I will set up a login for you.
Can you review our present sales process and training?
We can evaluate your sales processes, scripts, recruiting and other factors and build from there.
Lead Generation
What is involved in the lead-gen campaigns?
First we carefully define the prospects you want to target by category and geographic markets. We then source various databases to create call lists. We separate the lists so voice mail blasts get phone numbers and email campaigns get email addresses. Reps may be assigned territories and lead-gen is provided to match. Voice mail blasts are done after hours and email campaigns at any time. The key to success is the scripts and the handoff to an AI Agent and then a follow-up call by the reps.
What is the value of an AI Agent
Prospects can engage without feeling obligated to talk to a live rep. The buy-in leads to a site visit and then a request for a live call. Listen to a sample AI Call on the home page.
How you find good reps?
We run posts nationally for remote commission-only reps. We don’t do salary reps. Reps review listings on our sales job board. We have created a unique 35-Factor format which answers all relevant questions up-front. Reps can then request an interview. I created an AI Agent for inbound calls to screen. I then schedule personal interviews.
How do you interview reps
There are two objectives; 1. Qualify the rep. 2. Sell your job. Both must be accomplished to get a new producer onto your team. HR staffer or typical recruiters are trained to screen salary reps who line up for a chance at a job. The reps are forced to do the selling to prevail. The HR staffer or recruiter are absolutely not qualified to recruit commission reps. We must sell the rep. It takes a commission sales expert to have street cred with reps that can get countless offers to work at their risk. In addition we can ask any question we want with impunity since the reps are not employees.
Will the rep select my company?
Last time we checked there were 115,000 sales jobs with 12,000 designated remote on Indeed. If a rep requests an interview we got lucky. Reps must be sold to take a job, make the calls and stay on the team. Not just once but every day.
What about the reps I have now?
We typically advise clients to keep the reps they have until your IC remote team ramps up. You may decide to keep a few high performers on your team. We can assist to evaluate their competence. If you are paying salaries then you can count on my advising to terminate them unless they are willing to transfer to the IC remote team. Many will for a chance to earn more money and control their own life. Clients have told me that one of the happiest days of their lives was firing all the sales managers and reps that were on salary and seeing an immediate jump in sales and profits. Their only regret was falling into the salary rep trap and waiting so long to get out of it.
Do we have to deal with the reps?
I would request one live product training session for the first reps that I record for subsequent reps. You may also have the equivalent training online for reps to use. Beyond that I take 100% responsibility for the team. Further contact with the reps which could be interpreted as a conflict with the IC Agreement and lead to liabilities.
Lead Generation
What is involved in the lead-gen campaigns?
First we carefully define the prospects you want to target by category and geographic markets. We then source various databases to create call lists. We separate the lists so Voice mail blasts phone numbers and email campaigns get email addresses. Reps may be assigned territories and lead-gen is provided to match. Voice mail blasts are done after hours and email campaigns at any time. The key to success is the scripts and the handoff to an AI Agent and then a follow-up by the reps.
Do we have to deal with the reps?
I would request one live product training session for the first reps that I record for subsequent reps. You may also have the equivalent training online for reps to use. Beyond that I take 100% responsibility for the team. Further contact with the reps which could be interpreted as a conflict with the IC Agreement and lead to liabilities.