You can be a Top1% Rep

Paul Mush has built 145 sales teams recruiting, training and managing 20,000 commission sales reps Hi, I’m Paul Mush, CEO of Sales Bounce. My sales technology was developed by building 145 sales teams since 1987. Recruiting, training and managing over 20,000 commission reps. Reps that applied my training often rose to be in the Top 1% on their team. Many earn ten times as much as the average rep. You can do it too! See the About Us page for details.

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    Free access to a vast library of ebooks, videos, animations and audios. Transform your career from average to superstar. Other reps will be amazed and ask how you did it.  Click here: Sales Training.

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1. Send In Registration form
2. We send you a login to register for training
3. You can also request interviews with employers (see Sales Jobs)

I was not satisfied with our team training. My saless manager relied on cliches and slogans. Training based on myths and without rigor. When I found out about Sales Bounce I started reading the training docs and viewing the videos. I was mesmerized. Here was an entire new approach to sales which was simple and verifiable. I signed up our entirre team for weekly coaching. Sales are steadily imcreasing by 10% every month. One of my best decisions.
Chanice Williams
Web Solutions

I consider myself a closer. I got there by always looking for information and techniques that would give me the edge. Let me tell you about Sales Bounce.There is more good training on this site than everything I have seen before. It was so good it made me jealous. After a few minutes I was over it and signed up for the weekly coaching. If it gets me a few more sales it will be well worth it.

Stan Stevenson
Sr. Account Manager
Medical Products Compmay

I got funded to launch my ecommerce business. After everything was setup I realized that we were weak in sales. A friend told me about Sales Bounce. Wow! This is sales. Effective without resorting to embarassing high-pressure nonsense. The membership program gave me a systematic approach to team building and sales process development. I now have an expert to guide me step-by-step.

Mari Deane
Online Art Sales