Paul Mush – CEO


In this site I share the sales technology developed by building 145 sales teams since 1987. Recruiting, training and managing over 20,000 commission reps (job posts, screen resumes, interviews, training and first closes). These reps had widely varying sales experience with many barely surviving. Those that applied my training inevitably rose to be in the Top 10% on the teams and some into the Top 1%. See the About Us page for details.

Free Training

Sales training is mostly taught by recently promoted sales manager amateurs and plagiaristic authors. It is useless at best and misleading at worst. My training was developed systematically in real-world, front-line, rigorous, iterative, testing over many years, companies, products and with many thousands of reps with widely varying skills and experience levels. Results were widely acclaimed to be superior with reps earning wildly more commissions and retention nearing 100%.

Advanced sales training has a 52 chapter eBook, 12 animated videos, 13 audios and 21 live videos. Also for building sales teams a 22 chapter ebook, 3 animated videos and numerous illustrative graphs.

The Sales Training tab at the top of the page leads to an extensive free library of ebooks, animations, videos and audios.

Advanced Sales

Membership designed to allow mastery of the optimum sales process and techniques. Rigorous reviews and role-play. Coaching for your specific situation and product. Quickly learn how to effectvely answer any objection and counter stalls. Live classes online every week.

Personal Coaching

Sessions for individual reps or entire teams. Accelerates process mastery for big gains in fewer hours. This is similar to coaching in sports, music and other disciplines. It’s the fastest way to the Top 1%.

Building Teams

Membership with weekly sessions for your entire team. The emphasis is on remote commission-only reps especially for startups. You may have a sales manager that you promoted from a rep but is not an expert trainer which is a completely different skill. Cover your bets with a proven expert that can get extreme results in less time to accelerate your success. See the Building Teams page.

Sales Job Listings

These remote sales jobs were screened for market demand, short sales cycles, high pay and competent management. Rep members request interviews and get priority matching for listed remote sales jobs. We contact the employers on your behalf. We tell them that you have been attending training and deserve first consideration. Click on the Sales Jobs tab at the top of the page. This is absolutely free for reps while employers pay a fee per download.

Outsourced Teams

Many companies decide they would be better off outsourcing sales altogether so they can focus on product development and production. That’s what we do best since 1987. We recruit, train and manage reps for a national team of any size. This will vastly accelerate your growth and market share that overwhelms competitors. Ask your investors if this is a smart move. We do this at a cost lower that hiring a mediocre sales manager and covering all expenses yourself. A significant benefit is that we can take on all legal liabilities that can occur with independent contractors. See the Pricing page for details.


Outsource TeamWe recruit, train and manage remote commission-only reps. No limit on them size. You decide the best commission rate to attract and retain reps. We charge 20% of what the team is paid each month. You pay reps directly. We pay for job posts and all other expenses. You provide live or recorded product training. We contract with the reps alleviating any liability for you. The $1 indicated price allows order processing through the cart. We will invoice monthly.$1.00
Advanced Sales MembershipAccess to one-hour weekly group sessions. Each week an advanced topic is presented followed by discussion, analysis and voluntary role-play. Next are open questions on any relevant topic. Personalized coaching on request to get expert advice for your specific situation and issues. Get expert analysis and guidance for any sales, recruiting or management issue. Discussion on topics from our entire sales library with animations, audio and/or text. You will always have the support you need to succeed while others must struggle alone.$99.95
Personal Sales CoachingPer Session. Evaluate and diagnose a wide variety sales skills specific to your experience and product offered. Get expert analysis and guidance for any sales, recruiting or management issue. Designed to quickly accelerate your sales ability to get the most sales in the least amount of time. Prerequsite is Advanced Sales Membership.$100.00
Building Teams MembershipOne hour advanced training and support session each week. Topics include effective recruiting methods specifically for commission reps and guidance for sales training and managing teams. Personalized coaching on request to get expert advice for you specific situation and issues. Training and support for sales posts and interviews. Discussion on topics from our entire sales library with animations, audio and/or text.$249.95
Team CoachingWeekly half-hour sessions, Evaluate and diagnose your recruiting, retention training, pay plan, prospecting methods and more. Designed to quickly accelerate your sales team and results. Prerequisite is our Building Sales Teams Membership.$1,000.00




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1. Send In Registration form
2. We send you a login to register for training
3. You can also request interviews with employers (see Sales Jobs)

I was not satisfied with our team training. My saless manager relied on cliches and slogans. Training based on myths and without rigor. When I found out about Sales Bounce I started reading the training docs and viewing the videos. I was mesmerized. Here was an entire new approach to sales which was simple and verifiable. I signed up our entirre team for weekly coaching. Sales are steadily imcreasing by 10% every month. One of my best decisions.
Chanice Williams
Web Solutions

I consider myself a closer. I got there by always looking for information and techniques that would give me the edge. Let me tell you about Sales Bounce.There is more good training on this site than everything I have seen before. It was so good it made me jealous. After a few minutes I was over it and signed up for the weekly coaching. If it gets me a few more sales it will be well worth it.

Stan Stevenson
Sr. Account Manager
Medical Products Compmay

I got funded to launch my ecommerce business. After everything was setup I realized that we were weak in sales. A friend told me about Sales Bounce. Wow! This is sales. Effective without resorting to embarassing high-pressure nonsense. The membership program gave me a systematic approach to team building and sales process development. I now have an expert to guide me step-by-step.

Mari Deane
Online Art Sales