Selling the Job

Selling the Job Reps will line up for salary (free money) jobs. Commission jobs are completely different. There are countless available. Most make exaggerated promises and grandiose claims. To sell your job you must stand out and get noticed. The best way is to be...

21st Century Sales

21st Century Sales Virtual vs. Physical 21st Century A virtual team of dispersed reps working from home offices anywhere worldwide that Internet access is available. Communicating exclusively electronically via email, IM, phone, conference calls, webinars, blogs. 20th...

Convert Your Team

Convert Your Team Want to add sales and reduce costs at the same time? Convert your existing salary team working at an office to a virtual commission-only team. These will be independent-contractor reps working from home that pay their own expenses. You can keep your...

Growth Stages

Growth Stages Start-Up. Particularly challenging since there are more unknowns than knowns. I have developed ways to sell companies before they are recognized brands, before people care. You must sell the reps on the future without having what most ask for, metrics on...