by Customer Service | Oct 12, 2023 | 7. Sales Myths B
7. Sales Myths B More Sales Myths Extroverted You must be a dynamic, outgoing, loud, back-slapping, life of the party type. Introvert or extrovert – I’ve seen great reps and terrible from both sides. Where’s the data to substantiate the myth? Customer Is Always Right...
by Customer Service | Oct 12, 2023 | 6. Sales Myths A
6. Sales Myths A Sales Myths are Hard to Stop Introduction A myth is “a person or thing existing only in imagination, or whose actual existence is not verifiable.” Sales is full of myths, primarily because it has never been considered worthy of being treated as a...
by Customer Service | Oct 12, 2023 | 8. Sales Gurus
8. Sales Gurus Sales Gurus are Entertainers Your typical motivational speaker sells hot air without the balloon. Charisma is offered instead of practical expertise. They excel at making you doubt yourself and stifle your originality. They foster dependency. Their...
by Customer Service | Oct 11, 2023 | 1. Top 1 Percent
1. Top 1% Reps How Sales Reps Become Top 1% You have probably heard of the 80:20 rule. Few know that if you apply the rule two more times you will define the Top 1%. We illustrate this and guide you to craft a strategy to get there. The climb is rigorous but the view...
by Customer Service | Oct 8, 2023 | Sales Training
Animations - Sales Training...