Sales Training

What qualifications do you have for sales training?

I built 145 sales teams since 1987. All from start-up and with commission reps. This was after a career as a top 1% commission rep. Details are on the About Us page.

Where do I start?

Ideally each of the reps you feel have potential enroll in the Advanced Sales Training Membership. They will attend intensive weekly sessions reviewing the basics as outlined in the Sales Training section and participating in role play and coaching to master the sales process. You should see an immediate return on investment as sales increase. If reps are not delivering sales they are not putting in a serious effort or are not trainable. See the Rep Profiles page.

How do I know if a rep will perform if I pay to download?

If you post jobs your self you will get some reps that meet your qualifications and others that don’t. We offer distinct advantages including providing you with more details up-front and especially that reps request an interview indicating a sincere interest in your job after viewing your 35 factor job listing. Your conversion rate will be much higher and the time you invest to screen will be reduced dramatically.

Why do some reps refuse to sign up for training?

1. Know-it-All. They don’t need training because they have convinced themselves they don’t need it.
2. Lazy. Would rather screw around with sports, video games, dating, drinking and so on.
3. Money. Won’t spend the fee so they can make many thousands of dollars more. It’s easier to see the money in your hand than the money you could have had.
4. Excuses. Posers can no longer blame their company, products, or support and that is scary.
5. Sabotage. Many reps subconsciously sabotage their efforts because it’s easier emotionally to fail and prove their naysayers right than it is to be in the spotlight.
6. Fear-of-Falling. Being on top is stressful because you are expected to stay there.
7. Peer Pressure. If the other reps don’t sign up they will pressure you to do the same. Nobody is more reviled than a winner who thus proves them a loser.
8. Self-Doubt. Reps may feel that while others can learn they can’t. This is death without actually dying.
9. Payback. The job and pay plan (especially if salary) makes learning and trying hard not worth it. Communism inevitably leads to this no-win situation.
10. Spouse. If a narcissist will want to keep you down and controllable.


How does the Personal Team Coaching work?

I will work with your team personally to evaluate sales processes, scripts, recruiting and other factors. Via role-play I can determine if the efforts are being learned and adopted. I may recommend termination of hopeless players that are holding you back. The goal is a top performing team that boosts your company sales and success.


How you find good reps?

We run posts nationally for remote commission-only reps. We don’t do salary reps. Reps review listings on our sales job board. We have created a unique 35-Factor format which answers all relevant questions up-front. Reps request and interview. They did this knowing all the facts so are a good use of your time to talk to. We can go further asking the rep to take or proprietary Closer Test™. This test is based on my insight recruiting, training and managing over 20,000 commission rep for 145 teams I created for my clients. Teams that had to compete in our ruthless markets. Academics create assessment tests that target salary reps and are of dubious value. Beyond this I personally do screening interviews. The end result are Priority Reps that are high-probability to take on the job and excel.

What are the recruiting fees?

$95 per Rep Profile downloaded
$249.95 for Priority Reps

Is it worth it to pay for Priority Reps?

What’s a top closer worth in sales revenue? I pay all the costs for job posts, processing and interviews. I do everything personally… no delegating to lesser skilled admins. The price should be a lot higher but I’m a nice guy.

Will the rep select my company?

Reps can find over 115,000 sales jobs with 12,000 designated remote on Indeed. If a rep requests an interview you got lucky. If a Priority Rep requests an Interview you won the lottery. Find a way to make the rep happy or they will ghost you.

What is the Closer Test™?

This test was created to improve the odds of identifying, recruiting and retaining the best independent sales reps. Traditional “assessment tests” are created by academics to qualify salary reps. Salary reps mostly follow orders and can’t or won’t act independently. Often a promising rep is hired that puts in minimal effort to collect a salary as long as possible. Assessment tests must conform to a myriad of laws and regulations. The Closer Test™ is free from these encumbrances. The reps are independent contractors. Employment law does not apply since they are not employees. Instead it is contract law between businesses. DEI nonsense is bypassed. It’s an equal playing field for all reps. The test is based on the realities of building 145 sales teams for client companies and recruiting, training and managing over 20,000 commission-only reps. The insight I gained is unmatched and valuable.

How do you interview reps

There are two objectives; 1. Qualify the rep. 2. Sell your job. Both must be accomplished to get a new producer onto your team. HR staffer or typical recruiters are trained to screen salary reps who line up for a chance at a job. The reps are forced to do the selling to prevail. The HR staffer or recruiter are absolutely not qualified to recruit commission reps. They must sell the rep. It takes a commission sales expert to have street cred with reps that can get countless offers to work at their risk. In addition we can ask any question we want with impunity since the reps are not employees.

Outsourced Team

Can I outsource the team to you?

Many CEOs realize that they are better served running the company and doing product development. They may not know sales or don’t want to build and manage a team. I have built 145 sales teams for clients. The fee is less than what a mediocre sales manager demands. See the Pricing page.

Who takes on the contractual legal liabilities for the reps for an Outsourced Team?

We contract directly with the rep. You contract with us to build and manage an independent sales team. You have no direct relationship with the reps. If you bypass this arrangement by interfering with our management you can incur the liabilities. In this crazy litigious and regulated market we can save you time, money and lawsuits.