Service Transcript

Sales Reps Call it Magic

0 – Focus on self-interest is rational. Serve yourself. Make as much as you can. Dollars per hour. Restraints – legal, company policies, personal ethics, religious beliefs, philosophy. “Greed” is a value judgment on desire.
2:54 – Anything goes…. why reps lie. Rape, pillage, and plunder.
4:22 – Does the mercenary approach work? Inner angst. Projection.
8:09 – Subconscious alerts. Holographic paradigm. Intuition. Moment of truth. How a yes happens. Why they run when you sell.
12:12 – Service is not a cliché. Zig. It’s their business and decision to make.
13:26 – Non-attachment. Don’t attach to your commission, attach to serving. Your intent is your message.
15:43 – If we were robots, lying would be easier. We are more emotional than rational.
16:50 – Comments.
17:50 – Expert actors can’t fool everybody. Sincere reps don’t have to.
19:54 – Comment and discussion.

21:53 – False persona.
23:34 – Internal integrity versus acting.
24:15 – Can integrity be learned?
25:33 – Does sincerity work?
27:57 – Attachment.
28:29 – Engineering presentations – nuances count.
29:37 – Attachment cont’d. Zero-sum games. Infinite resources.
30:18 – How not being cared about feels. Emotional element. Psychopaths and closers.
36:40 – Why is it so hard to sell sincerely?
37:13 – Character.
39:42 – Motivations for wanting money.
41:08 – Step-by-step to implement.
42:07 – It’s harder to maintain a persona, easier to be you.
44:50 – End.