Lame Bullshit Excuses Transcript

Excuses are for Posers

Part 1
0 – Intro. What LBEs are. Any excuse will do instead of a sale for posers. Countless LBES, one way to a sale.
2:01 – Salary – risk vs. reward.
3:14 – Leads not good.
5:18 – Price too high.
10:31 – Lacks a feature.
13:18 – Prospects are “too busy.”
16:27 – Gatekeepers.
17:32 – Economy bad.
20:21 – Company not as big.
23:05 – Not enough training.
24:04 – Sales manager is incompetent.
26:12 – Manager hates me.
27:02 –Company is mismanaged.
27:25 – Commission rate too low.
28:18 – Comments and discussion.
29:35 – Difference between LBEs and objections. Role play price objection example. Overcoming objections before they are raised.
34:17 – End

Part 2
0 – Excuses mean shifting responsibility from you. Ego defense.
3:28 – Why reps generate excuses.
4:27 – How to go beyond excuses. Displacement. Enlist your subconscious mind.
11:48 – Comments.
15:44 – Bonus excuse… spouse says I have to quit.
18:43 – Aversion therapy to break excuse habits.
21:47 – Decide what your life will be. Self-evaluation. Eliminate all excuses at once instantly.
26:21- End.