Sales Training Answers

How is it possible to earn in 10 hours a week what used to take me 40 hours?

If your sales skills are marginal you may close 10% of your presentations. With better skills you may close 40%. Say you earn $1,000 per sale and $8,000 in 40 hours. Your hourly rate is $8,000/40 hours = $200. If you can do the same number of sales in only 10 hours a week your hourly rate would be $8,000/10 hours = $800 per hour. The higher your close ratio the more you would earn per hour. You will have the freedom of earning the same amount in just 10 hours a week. Or you may decide to keep working 40 hours a week and earn four times the commissions. How can you do this? By learning how to close 4 deals out of 10 instead of just 1. This does not require that you get 4 times better at sales. You just need to get a little better to tip over 3 more sales out of 10. An example is golf. Say you improve your putt just enough to sink the ball 3 more times out of 10. This can apply to any sport. You are not starting from zero. You already know a lot about sales. You just need to get a little better at some key skills.

What do I have to do to accomplish this miracle?

Miracles are not required. Any serious rep can do it. All they need to do is listen learn and apply what was learned. Practice as often as possible to learn the nuances, master the process and form new habits. I have trained thousands of reps and every single one that did the above greatly improved their close ratios and commissions earned. Reps that couldn’t park their fragile egos and were too lazy inevitably failed and quit sales broke and in shame.

Should I work 10 hours a week or go for more money?

If you absolutely need more money you can continue to work 40 hours as before. But consider the possibilities if you can work just 10 hours a week to make what you do now working 40 hours. You will have the freedom to pursue activities that were not possible before. You can go mountain climbing, travel, go to college or join a band… anything you want that you don’t have time for now. In other words, you can make a living but also have a life. What is that worth to you?

How can I learn to increase my close ratio?

Most sales training is useless. You need to find a talented instructor and method that is more than mere sloganeering. We offer realistic proven sales training. This is available with our Advanced Sales Membership where you get weekly advanced training, rigorous tactical role play and group support. You will share and learn from others with the same dedication. You also get specific coaching for your product and sales challenges. Your odds for success are greatly enhanced. Going it alone or under the guidance of incompetent sales managers can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars and derail your career.

Should I work commission-only?

If you are not all that good at sales you may be advised to work for somebody on salary. As you master sales your risk may eventually be zero. You can enjoy the the vastly increased commissions you get from taking on the risk from your employer.

Can I really learn to sell more in just 10 hours a week?

Yes. There are many common misconceptions, counterproductive methods and bad habits that prevent success. I can help you overcome these in just a few minutes. It then takes more time to reinforce changes to become new habits. An example is learning karate. When I started I was very serious. I never missed a class. While doing the white belt kata one day I was confident that my form was good. It wasn’t. My sensei a 5th degree back belt calmly pointed out 18 specific things I was doing wrong. My head was too far forward, my stance was too narrow, my rear rear leg not locked, my rear foot not at at 45 degrees, my right fist was not pulled high and far enough, my wrist not straight and so on. I was stunned. My first reaction was to defend myself. Then I quickly realized he was of course completely correct. I vowed to own my mistakes and to fix each and every one. This required effort but also a detachment from my ego. Two weeks later I was promoted to green belt. Others who were less dedicated or had fragile egos soon quit. I went on to be promoted to Shodan (black belt) and taught new members what I painfully learned. By the way, anybody willing to pay the price can learn karate (or any other sport). The same goes for sales.

Lots of reps call themselves sales experts, what makes you different?

Most reps learned sales by repeating slogans and mantras. These are utterly useless. Hearsay and mythology are the last resort of the incompetent. Sales as a profession, if you can call it that, has a crazy high attrition rate. If reps can’t make sales they are soon fired (salary) or go broke and quit (commission). I was a top 1% rep and then created a company to build outsourced sales teams. I built 145 sales teams in 35 years recruiting, training and managing 20,000 reps. Nobody has come close to this which was only possible since I contracted with client companies. The typical sales manager has never created a team but was hired in to manage an existing team.

Should I work remote?

A remote sales job can give you the freedom to work the hours and days you prefer. You can live anywhere in the country or indeed worldwide. Your life can be easier working from home or a true adventure. You can choose to live in far away lands that offer enhanced dating opportunities. Your cost of living can be a fraction of what it is now. You can live like the wealthy do in your new home country. Reduced overhead will give you true peace of mind and happiness. If you are a closer you will be in high demand. If the economy gets bad (really bad) you can stay mobile and move to find better opportunities and lower living expenses. You can survive by changing the products you sell and not by begging for a raise or another job. Salary employees will face grave hardships and have no viable options. You can also scale by contracting with a lead generator (best would be overseas) who will do 90% of your work for 10% of your pay. Our membership program will help you be remote and get the most pay and best lifestyle.

What is included in the Advanced Sales Membership?

Weekly sessions providing 1. Advanced training topics, 2. Questions about past topics, 3. Consulting to assist on issues and closes from actual sales calls, 4. Personal coaching, 5. Live role-play designed to get team feedback and master the process.

What is a Priority Rep?

Employers hire Priority Reps first. To qualify you take a multiple choice Closer Test™. This gives the employers insight into your abilites and values. We also schedule a call to see if the job is a good match for your career goals.