Failure Modes 1 Transcript

More Ways Sales Reps Fail

Part 1
0 – Introduction.
Negative? Immunization.
5:25 – #1 Commitment.
8:30 – #2 All Talk.
10:25 – #3 Blame Game.
13:00 – #4 Life is Unfair.
18:05 – #5 Entitlement.
25:50 – #6 Dinosaurs.
30:00 – #7 Sell and Pitch.
32:05 – Comments – Difficult to change.
33:25 – Habits – addiction to mental patterns, ego attachment.
39:45 – #8 Lazy.
43:50 – End.

Part 2
0 – #9 Don’t Have to Work.
3:00 – #10 I’m Pretty.
3:55 – #11 Schmoozer.
8:10 – #12 Connections.
10:30 – #13 Pedigreed Elitist.
13:35 – #14 College.
16:10 – #15 Engineers and Attorneys.
18:30 – #16 Consultants.
20:25 – #17 MBAs.
22:30 – #18 Favors.
23:25 – #19 Politics.
24:35 – #20 Nice.
25:10 – Comments.
28:55 – Philosophy.
35:05 – Comments – none of these failure modes should be in the presentation.
35:35 – Service.
36:25 – End.