Description - Work 10 Paid 40


Are you in a dead-end job you hate? Slaving away all day everyday putting up with idiot bosses and irritating coworkers? Only to earn enough money to barely survive. Chump change is for chumps? You watch the clock and also the calendar as your life times out. You see no way to do what you want to do. To realize your dreams before you kick it. Travel the world, start a band, climb mountains… or merely to achieve or regain a middle-class life. Check this video out, it can rock your world.



I was talking to a lot of reps who have looked at the economy and the future and the way things are set up. And they’re telling me that, you know, I’m not working a hundred hours a week for the rest of my life to die in a tiny home or live in a trailer. I want to have a life now, but I need enough money to get by on it.

So let’s talk about the reality of trying to work fewer hours for more money. What does that imply? So let’s say you’re doing sales, you’re making 500 a deal. And you’re able to make a sale a day and that sales an eight hour day. So basically you’re making 10 grand a month, 20 days times 500. If you could eliminate all the wasted time of commuting, chatting with fellow workers, surfing the web.

Going on Instagram because you don’t really want to do what you’re doing. So you’re finding ways not to do it. What’s this day? You see, look, I’m going to work two hours a day, but I’m going to make the same 500 sale, but I’m going to make it two hours instead of eight. That’s possible if you eliminate the waste of time and work officially.

The other way is that this close better. You have to have a higher close ratio. If it takes you 10 presentations to get one deal, Maybe you could do 10 presentations, get four deals. That’s a 400 percent increase in sales. Okay. That equivalent equivalent is of two hours times 400 percent is eight hours.

So if you could do four cells in a day, you could do one cell in two hours. Okay. The way you do that, you have to be on commission. You have to remote, uh, be a remote worker, work where you want, and then you can just work a couple hours a day and make that 10 grand a month. and have a life. Okay? And like I mentioned in another video, you can take that life anywhere you want in the world, as long as you have an internet connection.

Okay? You don’t have to stay here, where 10 grand a month used to be a lot of money, now it’s nothing. You can’t afford a house, unless you live in a rural area somewhere. Okay? So, you can, how do you work, um, let’s see, how do you get a close ratio that’s four times better? It’s all four deals out of 10 instead of one.

You have to know sales and learning sales is a little bit different. Just talking on the phone. There’s a technique to it and that’s what the screen will give you. I, I know that I can get you to those four cells instead of one and make you that much more efficient and it’s really not that hard. The problem is that sales training is non existent.

It’s hearsay, it’s mythology. It’s watching someone else do what they do, even if they, you know, walk off a cliff. Okay? And so that’s what we’re gonna talk about in these other animations. Um, hey, if you wanna, if you think this information is worthwhile, you know, do a like, subscribe, and it’ll allow me to, you know, get this out to more people.