Description - Winners and Losers


Reality can be harsh. Sales like any endeavor can result in winners and losers. Those that learn how sales really works tends to win and those that don’t struggle in vain and fail. Intelligence, work ethic, personality and appearance are factors but not the most important. The good news as that virtually anybody with the basic qualifications cannot only survive but hit it big in the Top 1%.



Let’s talk about the difference between winners and losers, I should say. Reps that succeed and reps that don’t. First, there is just a basic work ethic. You know, every job requires effort. I don’t know very many jobs that don’t. And if you don’t make the calls systematically every day, you’re not going to make any sales.

Now you might have a day, oh man, I made eight calls today. It’s

not going to cut it, it has to be consistent. The second is, a rep may know everything. Even if he’s not selling, he still will know it all, knows this, knows that, my last job I did this, blah, blah, blah. The winning rep is adaptable, he’s in a new job, he needs to learn specifically what works on this job, and you know, not worry about previous jobs.

He’ll seek out good advice and good training. He’ll evaluate and decide whether or not it’s going to help him or not. Ultimately it’s his decision.

The other thing is that you have to sell the right product. Maybe you’re trying to sell real estate and it’s just not for you. You just don’t like it. You know what I mean? And, uh, a winning rep is actually, likes getting up in the morning cause he enjoys what he’s doing and a loser rep whines and complains and doesn’t want to get up or go to work.

So it’s up to you to select the right job. The other thing is the product that you’re selling. If it’s garbage, then it’s not your fault. If everybody else is selling it, and you’re not, then it’s your fault. Either you’re not selling properly, or you’re mismatched in that job.

So, the company, maybe the company, the product is good, but the company is mismanaged, they don’t deliver on time, they have a bad reputation in the marketplace. And when you make calls, say, Nah, I’ve heard about your company, I’m not interested. Well, yeah, that’s the company’s fault, but it’s also your fault for working for a loser.

If you want to be a winner, don’t work for losers.

The other thing that might happen is you might have a long commute. Good job, he’s saying, I know it’s far away, but I’ll wait. You know, it’s, it’s half an hour, hour away, but that was in the summer. In the winter, it might be two hours a day. So what happens is you tend to waste all your time commuting, and, uh, that takes out of your potential sales, okay?

You could work from home, that’s a good option, if you’re prepared to do that. They don’t have any wasted commuter hours. Of course, you might be wasting time screwing around at home instead of making calls. It’s a lot easier to screw around when you’re at home and no one’s looking at you. Okay? So if you have no willpower, no discipline, you need to go to an office.

Okay? And sit around with the other people. Um, you know, the pricing of the product could be too high. It could have bad margins where, you know, you’re not going to get a high commission rate because there’s really no money there. That demotivates you to the point of, well, why bother? I’m only making 100 for sale, you know?

If they don’t supply leads or even a list, then you’re going to waste a lot of time researching to find out who to call before you can even call. Prospecting, there’s a number of ways to do this, okay? And uh, Hey, my name’s Paul, I got this great product, let me talk to you about it. People don’t want to hear those calls, okay?

You have to call the right people and present in a manner that they want to look into your product further. You’ve identified a problem, okay? And uh, if you don’t have a good prospecting tools or good processing methods. You’re not gonna make any money and you’re not gonna be motivated to continue to sell.

So, yeah. The other thing is you, you listen to losers, you, you know, you’ve got bad training. So your, you know, your sales manager might be a moron. He was a rep last week and he didn’t know what he was doing then he doesn’t know he’s doing today. So you do, you start looking around, you say, oh, well Bob made a sale.

Bob must know what’s going on, so I’m gonna listen to Bob Hitch and you’re gonna walk right off a cliff. Maybe Bob made the sale because. The prospect needed a solution to a problem more than they cared about Bob. They probably saw right through him, okay? And, uh, it’s just, some people just need things like auto sales.

I bought a car once, you know, and I, the salesman was a complete idiot. Didn’t know anything about cars, trying to hustle him. But I needed the car and I got a good price. So I bought it and I just told the guy, go, we’re done. Don’t ever talk to me again. Um, so you’ve got egomaniacs and three Madonna’s who think they know everything when they don’t, we covered that before.

So these are some of the things that distinguish between, you know, lose the winners. The other thing is consistent calling. Every, you have to say, I want to make X amount of calls a day at 10. And if you’re at nine, maybe that’s good enough. It’s not good enough. It could be good enough, except that you need to vow to yourself, I promise, that you’re going to make 10.

And as soon as you break that, then the next day it might be 8. And the next day, well, I’m going to take a day off because I’m tired, and I’ve got a call. It’s a do or die discipline goal, do or die. So I’m going to make 10 calls, regardless of what happens, and I’m going to do it every single day. A person who does that, a rep, is almost guaranteed to succeed.

If you do that, it’s also make every call a little bit better than the one before that. Okay. Let’s say you’re a pianist and you’re on a concert pianist. Every time you play a song, you’re striving for perfection. And hopefully you can learn to do a little bit better. And then the next day a little bit better.

And then, you know, you’re a world famous concert pianist. It’s a long haul discipline. Okay. You have to decide whether or not you want to be a success or not. A lot of people, everybody wants to be a success. Everybody wants to be a millionaire. But how many are willing to pay the price? Actually quite few.

Which is really good for the winners, because if everybody was willing to pay the price, the competition would be you versus everybody. Okay? Because only a few people are willing to pay the price, your competition is really non existent. Anyway, I appreciate your, uh, your watching this video, and, you know, if you want to subscribe, and, you know, you know, I’m, I’m running videos all the time, you know And put a like in there because you like me so much.

I’m your best friend. That’d be fine too.