Description - Top Dollar Reps


Top 1% reps are by definition doing something different than the other 99%. Most reps think that they must be lying, have connections or are friends of the boss. Perhaps they work more hours because they have no life. Maybe they enjoy other unfair advantages.

Wha good does this do for you? Pitiful envy and depression.

Maybe it’s because they learned how sales really works. They may be working fewer hours and making way more money. Instead of making excuses maybe you should learn what they know so you too can be in the Top 1% and enjoy the good life.

I can show you how to make it happen. Step-by-step. Sales is great if you know the secrets and awful if you are clueless. Without realistic sales training you will fail and end up in a box under the highway. Most sales training is useless crap. That’s why most reps don’t make it. They end up broke and broken. They are forced to go back looking for some cubicle gig. Humiliated and embarrassed. They rarely try again. They live small lives and die in anonymity.

I have trained over 20,000 sales reps. About 10% did what it took to make it. The other 90% are still waiting for success to come easy .

Your first step is to watch this short video. Then visit my website to see the vast collection of eBooks, videos, animations and audios I created. They are based on my 35 years of experience building commission sales teams for 145 client companies. It’s the largest sales library ever created for entrepreneurial sales reps. It’s all complete FREE.

You can also register for weekly Advanced Sales Training classes. You will get the opportunity to practice and master the methods all proven to work in actual on the job sales calls. Advanced theory, role-play and coaching gets you to the Top 1% skill level and earnings.


  Let’s talk about money. How can you make the most money in sales? I’m going to go down the list for you. First off, you have to sell something that someone else wants to buy. It sounds obvious, but countless reps take jobs because they got a job offer, not really thinking too much about the product. A lot of times the companies will make out just fine, you know, while you die on the vine, okay?

So, sell something that you know about, sell something that you’re interested in. You can’t be passionate. I don’t care how good an actor you are. It was a product you could care less about. It’s going to come across to your prospects and they’re not going to carry there. Next is you need to have a good margin.

Okay. First off have an expensive product with a good margin. So instead of, so instead of selling a hundred dollar product and getting 50 percent commission, that’s 50 bucks. You could sell a 10, 000 product and make a 50 percent position and that’s 5, 000. Okay. Okay. That’s a hundred times more money per sale.

So the other thing is, is how many units, how many sales can you make per week or per month? Okay. If you sell a million dollar product, now you get 10 percent and it’s once a year, you know, you’re making a hundred grand a year, but you know, you could do better than that. You want to make, you want to sell something in volume more and more.

So instead of selling one five grand product, you want to sell four. How can you do that? Assuming that the demand is there and it’s feasible, that you can generate enough leads to get in front of, uh, enough prospects. It’s really up to you. It’s called close ratio. If you know what you’re doing, you’re passionate, you’re well matched to that product and company.

Um, and by the way, the company has to have a good reputation, has to have a quality product. Otherwise you’re wasting your time. So back to this. If you have a high close ratio. You’re going to make more money. So let’s say, you know, you have a 5, 000 product. You do 10 presentations a month, you sell one that’s five grand.

If you have a 10, 000 product or a 5, 000 product, I mean, and you sell for 20 grand a month, 20 grand instead of five grand, because you know how to sell. If you can sell one, that means it’s viable. It’s a viable product. If you can’t sell more than one out of 10, then it’s probably your fault. Or if you can’t set up enough presentations, you’re not prospecting enough.

Cold calling, whatever it takes. You have to get as many people as you can, and know how to wow them with your product, and close for a decision. Then you make the most money, okay? One thing you basically don’t want to do is take a management job, be a sales manager. Sales managers jobs are for chumps, okay?

You might take you out of the field, you think you have it made, but if anything goes wrong, you’re toast. Now it’s your fault. It’s not going to be the owner’s fault, or the VP’s fault, it’s going to be your fault, okay? Regardless of the circumstances. On the other hand, if you’re a top rep, You could tell them to go bite it, alright?

They’re, they need you more than you need them. You can get a job anywhere, okay? And, uh, so you can always find another job, and they can’t always find another top rep. And you’ll make more money, typically, than a manager. A manager, typically being a salary override, is considered an expense. A top rep is a really good investment.

They’re willing to pay you 20%, then they’ll pay you 20 percent on one deal or a thousand deals. They don’t care. That’s the margin, okay? So, managers are looked at as an expense. They’re given impossible tasks. They become responsible for all the shortfalls of the company and the product and recruiting company reputation that I wouldn’t do that.

And I mean, if you want to be a manager, it’s called opening your own business. And there’s a number of ways for talents and salespeople to open up their own business because sales is a frontline, like a combat position. It’s the hardest job. If you can do sales, you can always find products as well. You can always open up an agency, you can always hire a team, and these are the people you see driving Maseratis, okay, and Lamborghinis.

They’re literally getting rich because they’ve leveraged themselves out, instead of having just themselves, they have 20 or 50 reps, they’ve become known in the field, this is the company or agency you want to hire to get sales done. Or you can own the company, develop your own product, or partner with someone who’s developed a product.

That’s Maseratis. And now you own it. You know, you’re the, you’re at, you’re the manufacturer. You set up the sales team. Uh, if you want to buy a house and have a wife, you can support and kids and travel, have a nice car, go on vacations, have a retirement fund, have a college fund for the kiddies, you are not going to do it typically as a sales rep.

It’s just, it’s just too hard to make that level of money. But when you’re a soft employee, you spend a year or two, you set it up and you’re good at business can support you for many years. Or you can sell the business. It’s like you bought an investment property. You kept it for a while, or maybe you fixed it up.

And it has market. If someone will buy that business off you, you can buy an existing business that you like. That’s what this someone’s retiring and, uh, or they’re just, you know, mismanaging the business. They don’t know how to recruit. You could do a deal without any capital at all and say, look, I’m going to give you an exit out of this business that you’re obviously no longer want.

I’ll come in, I’ll run it. Yeah. You’ll give me a couple months to get me up to speed on your production process or whatever else I need to know. And you can go off and, you know, go ride your boat around, okay? And just tell them, I will give you, you know, 10 percent of the net for the first 10 years and then you’re bought out.

I own it after that. Or you can keep the business. Have fun. There’s a lot of people that love a buyout. If you’re an intelligent, charismatic rep, you know, this is just another sale. It’s just another pitch. How many companies out there are run by people who don’t know what they’re doing, they’re having, they don’t want, they’re lost interest, or they’re baby boomers, they don’t want to retire.

Tens of thousands. You put the word out. You could even use a business broker to kind of help you find this business. You can advertise. Say, look, I’m looking to buy a small boot seat electronics manufacturer. You know, that’s my specialty. And they’ll, they’ll say, you know, it was, it’s like someone advertises you want to buy a house and you get the house.

Okay. You can put the word out there and the word will get out. Believe me, you can put it on Twitter. And anything else you want and put the words out. I’m looking to buy a business. You will be inundated with deals inundated Okay, and again the best way to play good. You don’t have any money saying tell me we’ll pay them You’ll take it off their hands.

You will run it their name still on the title things happen on the finances and then they’re bought out. Goodbye. They’re out of here. Okay. Obviously you want to hire a CPA and a lawyer to help you set this up. Okay? But that’s the quickest way to get rich. Not schlepping around as a rep for the rest of your life.

You have to put in your time, learn, learn your trade, and then find a way out. You might be able to retire. Let’s say you’re 22 out of college. You sell for a couple of years. You take this business and you run with it cause you have the energy, right? And eight years later you could sell the business.

That’s 10 years now. You’re what, 31, 32 years old and you are retired, especially if you want to go live overseas in Vietnam and Cambodia, Singapore, Mexico, all kinds of countries with a very low cost of living. Your million dollars is going to look like ten million dollars. You can get a mansion house, you have a nice climate, and you’re outside of all the craziness that you see around you now.

Uh, that’s a good plan, okay? And, uh, that’s the kind of thing I can help you set up, uh, on the training and everything else, if you go to salesbounce. com, and sign on for the, uh, membership, and it’s a low cost per month, and I will be a group plus individual coaching. In other words, I will work with you personally, and It helps you achieve your goal, okay?

For a mere pittance, this is it, okay? And, you’re gonna look back and say, I remember when I first found out about Paul and sales balance, and I was a little skeptical. And then I found out, you know, what he was saying is true, and how he helped walk me through it. Why take 10 years and then do it in two years?

I can make things happen a lot faster because I’m older. Okay. I’ve been around. I’ve been doing sales since for 35 years. Okay. And I have the technical background, masters in engineering, blah, blah, blah. Okay. So anyway, check it out. And Hey, if I’m your newest, bestest friend, you can say you like this video.

You can subscribe so you can hear more of my BS. Whenever I get around to record another one of these things, okay? Tell a few friends, help me ramp it up. Uh, it’ll, you’ll get that much more out of it when we do personal coaching. Alright, thanks and we’ll talk soon.