Description - Embrace Conflict


A warrior spirit is needed to face inevitable difficult times in sales. The best way is to understand hardships will come and be prepared to meet them head on. These hard times will not be as bad for you and for others that were not expecting or prepared for them.

Conflict happens whenever two or more people interact. It’s advisable to know you can prevail. Stand your ground and push back. Look at history to see the countless examples of persevering and recovering. The weak and meek become salves or food. Sales is easy in comparison.

Seek out opportunities for contact sports like karate, hockey boxing and so on. Every hit you take boosts your resilience making the next hits lesser in impact.



So, what is actually the best sales training? In sales, you have to embrace conflict, which means you’re out there, people are gonna argue back and forth, there’s other people on your team, and so on. If you’re afraid of conflict, you’re gonna get trounced on, okay? So if you’ve never done a contact sport, I advise you to try one.

Mixed martial arts, karate, wrestling, and then there’s things like hockey, you see these guys beat the hell out of each other. Hockey spirit. What it does, it, it enures you to, uh, conflict. In other words, you get used to the conflict. You learn to accept it and actually thrive in that conflict. Okay? I’ll tell you right now, it’s a big indicator of a rep who’s gonna be successful.

I’ll ask, did you play football in high school? Did you get beat up? Did you take boxing? Were you in the army, you know, uh, or were you a street fighter? Did you grow up rough on the streets? These are great preparation for sales because you have presence. When you talk to someone, they tend to take you seriously because you have that.

Kind of killer in sync behind you. You know what I mean? They look at you and you go, this is not a guy at a trifle with to mess with. He’s a serious person. Then that carries over to your presentation and decision is people like to bet on the side of hard people. They want someone that’s gonna be in their corner, and I mean that they could trust when things get tough.

A million mile foot of roof was whining. What The bed you don’t wanna be? Okay, I’ll call you next week. You know, they have no respect for that person. They’re going to tend not to purchase from people they have. They don’t respect. And you all know what I’m saying. So again, if you want to be a top 1 percent rep and you haven’t had this background, then go join the army.

It’ll be fun. Marines, make it Marines. All right. If nothing else, take a boxing class or karate is really easy to find. And basically it’ll toughen you up. It’ll make you hard. You’ll persist, you’ll persevere. You won’t quit because the karate is harder than your sales job and so on. Okay. I guess you could also put it in there like a marathon runner or something else.

You’re really pushing your limits. Think about it.