Description - Charisma


Some people seem blessed that everybody likes them. It all seems effortless because it is… ti them. You over are not so blesses. You need to work at it and still will never be like the charismatics. But does this matter in sales? Charisma may help get in the door but has no effect on sales performance.



Let me ask you a question. Who’s going to be more, more to a baseball team, a guy who’s good looking, charismatic, drives around in a Ferrari. Everybody likes him or the guy that can hit a ball and catch a ball and seals, you’re probably heard that charisma and personality are important. Yeah, it doesn’t hurt, but it’s not going to make you money out of many thousands of reps I’ve recruited, trained and manage.

I can tell you right now what these statistics are. There’s no correlation. Between sales success and charisma, looks, personality, or a positive attitude or the rest of it. It doesn’t matter. I’ve seen reps who have no personality, they look like accountants, and uh, they have no charisma whatsoever. I think the only people who like them are their mothers, and they’re at the top of the board all the time.

Why? Because they have technique. Technique. Knowledge and skill is worth more than any other factors. One other analogy, how about a carpenter? You think that carpenter is going to be hard on whether or not everybody likes them, good looks, personality or charisma? No. Can you hammer an L or can’t you? Right?

Do you know how to work a joint? And that goes for most other professions. How about a doctor? Do you want a doctor who’s charismatic or a doctor who knows what he’s doing? Okay? So I see, I think you get the idea here. So what is this? This is good news for you because not very many people are charismatic.

Tall, good looking, have a great outgoing personality. Very few are like that. They’re a minority. So if you’re not one of those categories, you win. You can succeed by learning skills. The downside of being charismatic, good looking, and personable. Is that you rely on those factors to make you money because that’s what floated you through life so far.

You’ve always got friends, you’ve always got your way, teachers always liked you, your parents, you know, liked you more than any of the siblings. You were the golden child. You have nothing but bad, uh, habits. And they’re almost, they’re virtually impossible to overcome. If 20 years from now, Which one is going to live in a box under the freeway?

It’ll be the one that’s charismatic. Okay. The ones with skills will work their way to the future and get there in good shape. Thank you. And, uh, oh yeah, these videos, if, uh, you like them and subscribe, you know, pushes the message out there. You don’t have to, I would advise you if you actually think that this video has some value to you and you want to give it a like or subscribe, then go ahead and do so.

Thank you.