Comfort Zone Transcript

Comfort Ends Sales

Part 1
0 – Between a rock and a hard place. Path of least resistance. Comfort zone… good or bad?
2:30 – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
4:45 – Rational behavior. The bare minimum to get by.
Plant #2? Diminishing returns.
9:15 – How many hours should I work? Value judgments. Most do the minimum.
11:35 – What do you need? How much more do you get beyond that? Irrational behavior?
17:40 – Acting rationally according to the programming in your DNA. Risk averse behavior is rational.
19:40 – Voluntary simplicity.
21:10 – Over simplification. Abnormal to do more than necessary.
22:40 – Prehistory. I’ve got your Potlatch right here buddy…
25:10 – Ambition makes no sense. What motivated Cortez.
26:36 – Conscious ambition. Higher purpose and goals. Fear of the future. What’s stopping you. How to override programming. Ego goals often won’t sustain efforts.
30:47 – How to break out of your comfort zone. Manifest by specificity and visualization. Overriding genetic programming. Engineered addictions.
35:33 – Easy money and something for nothing. First create a vacuum. Serving others as a higher purpose. Ego goals – power, fame, wealth. Self-actualization, selfless.
42:18 – End.

Part 2
0 – Comments.
>0:25 – Self-sabotage. Exponential results from incremental efforts beyond comfort zone.
3:17 – Define exactly what you want and why and consider attaining it as life or death. Commitment – magic at the extremes.
5:50 – Comfort zone self-imposed by DNA. Scientific basis and can be duplicated by anybody.
6:59 – Infuse visualization with emotion. Code of honor.
10:17 – Comments – How can I change?
10:31 – Know where the money will go – channel the energy. Your highest purpose in life. Serendipity happens and the universe is on you side. What resources do you require?
16:29 – Comfort zone is a prison cell.
17:12 – Comments – opportunity that sales as a career offers for self-development.
17:57 – Rewards and risks in sales. Can easily squander your “easy” money.
20:17 – Karmic implications.
22:06 – Comments – determination and commitment.
23:48 – Higher goals – must be sincere and from within you.
28:27 – End.