by Customer Service | Sep 23, 2023 | Sales Training
Learning to Unlearn Often the best reps for a new position are those with the least sales experience. They have fewer preconceived notions about what is possible so they often do the seemingly impossible. They often outperform the veterans. Those experienced wise pros...
by Customer Service | Sep 22, 2023 | Sales Training
Triage This curve is logarithmic (e2). It grows in the positive direction slowly, ever increasing towards infinity while rapidly decreasing to a negative infinity in the negative direction. Log curves can graphically illustrate the concept of triage. This is a word...
by Customer Service | Sep 22, 2023 | Sales Training
What is Sales? Prepare. For the career, college, business books, magazines, websites, talking to successful reps, learn and practice public speaking, entry-level jobs. Sell What You Would Buy. What you believe in and can recommend without reservation. Company. Only...
by Customer Service | Sep 22, 2023 | Sales Training
If any cliché exemplifies the concept of bullshit endlessly repeated somehow becoming fact, this is it. Let me say this as clear as I can. There is NO correlation between “attitude,” whatever the heck that is, positive or negative, and sales performance. I have...
by Customer Service | Sep 22, 2023 | Sales Training
Learning to Unlearn External Motivation Motivation is defined as inducement, drive, incentive – something that gets people do think or do things. People think and do exactly what they want. Nobody can make anybody do something they don’t want to do. Threats of...
by Customer Service | Sep 22, 2023 | Sales Training
Commitment Ask a rep is she is “committed to success?” What is she going to say… no? She may even believe she is committed. But look closer. People Always Do Exactly What They Want to Do. This rule is just as useful as the 80/20 rule in sales. The obvious argument...