by Customer Service | Dec 24, 2023 | T6. How to Treat a Closer
T6. How to Treat a Closer Closers Make Sales Teams If the 80/20 rule is for real, then 1 closer is worth 5 posers. Indeed more than 5, since the overhead of supporting 1 closer is less than 5 posers. Ask yourself a simple question – what would happen if your best rep...
by Customer Service | Dec 24, 2023 | T5. Selling the Job
T5. Selling the Job Commission Sales Reps Must Be Sold Reps will line up for salary (free money) jobs. Commission jobs are completely different. There are countless available. Most make exaggerated promises and grandiose claims. To sell your job you must stand out and...
by Customer Service | Dec 24, 2023 | T4. Always Be Managing
T4. Always Be Managing Sales is a Grind What does the myth of Sisyphus have to do with sales? Everything. Sales ultimately is a grind. You make endless calls. You put up with countless rejections. Call reluctance is like a virulent disease. Reps find things to do…...
by Customer Service | Dec 24, 2023 | T3. Always Be Training
T3. Always Be Training Sales Training Must be Realistic It’s one thing to get warm bodies in the door. It’s quite another to get them to perform. Comprehensive realistic training must be provided by a trainer that knows all aspects of the product and sales. Product...
by Customer Service | Dec 24, 2023 | T2. Always Be Recruiting
T2. Always Be Recruiting Recruiting is the Answer Every company wants closers, but how can you tell a closer from a poser? If someone tells you they can always pick a winner, ask them why they don’t go to Vegas. Because all you have to do is win 51% of the time and...