by Customer Service | Sep 23, 2023 | Sales Training
Comfort Zone The Wall It is well know that when reps hit quota, they stop working. Quota means you keep your job and pay your bills. It’s the path of least resistance and effort. Not enough sales and you are in pain. Working too hard is also painful. In the middle...
by Customer Service | Sep 23, 2023 | Sales Training
Procrastination I’m busy, tired, not in the mood …. I’ll do it tomorrow… The nice thing about waiting until tomorrow, is that tomorrow never comes. That’s because tomorrow also has a tomorrow, and so does the next day, and the day after that. There is no tomorrow....
by Customer Service | Sep 23, 2023 | Sales Training
Credibiity A credible person is one worthy of being believed, who instills confidence, and is trustworthy. Credibility can emanate from internal characteristics and behavior or externally via the actions of others. External credibility is bestowed upon one by higher...
by Customer Service | Sep 23, 2023 | Sales Training
Learning to Unlearn Often the best reps for a new position are those with the least sales experience. They have fewer preconceived notions about what is possible so they often do the seemingly impossible. They often outperform the veterans. Those experienced wise pros...
by Customer Service | Sep 22, 2023 | Sales Training
Triage This curve is logarithmic (e2). It grows in the positive direction slowly, ever increasing towards infinity while rapidly decreasing to a negative infinity in the negative direction. Log curves can graphically illustrate the concept of triage. This is a word...