3 Minutes to Success

3 Minutes to Success In an ideal fantasy world, you would be the only sales rep this month that has called the prospect. You would get the actual decision maker on the line who just so happens to have a spare hour with nothing to do. She will be thrilled to hear all...

Referral Psychology

Referral Psychology The Best Marketing Method Every business owner likes referrals. Why? Because they are the easiest, cheapest, most effective form of marketing. The most difficult challenge in sales is cold-calling. The best way to cold-call is not to cold-call....

Failure Modes

Failure Modes Here is a list of some common reasons reps fail: No Real Commitment. Just visiting, on “vacation” from present job. All Talk. No walk, bravado and bragging with no delivery. Blame Game. Always “their” fault, excuses for every event. Life is Unfair. So?...


Pipeline The diagram above illustrates this concept. What makes the phenomenon insidious is the “lag time,” This is like the time between when a car pulls out from nowhere across your path while you are going 50 mph and the time when you t-bone it. Or the time between...


Aggressive Job ads for sales often call for an “aggressive” rep. Many reps are proud to be known as an “aggressive” closer. What does this mean? Aggressive 1. characterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives, attacks, invasions, or the like; militantly forward...