Success Step By Step

Success Step-By-Step Career. Select a career that you will truly enjoy and can dedicate yourself to. Product. Select a product category (advertising, software, etc.) you have an interest in and hopefully some background education and experience in. Company. Select a...

If Not Now When

If Not Now When Most sales reps focus on the month. Which means that at the beginning of the month there is plenty of time. No hurry. Week 1 passes by leisurely. Week 2 the pressure starts to build. The weekly meeting was a little tense. The manager has noticed the...

Evolution of a Sales Rep

Evolution of a Sales Rep Sales is one of those “professions” without regulation or licensing. Pretty much anybody can call themselves a salesperson. From the outside things may seem simple. Sales is sales. Reps are reps. They’re all the same. What’s to know? From the...

Zero Defect Demo

Zero Defect Demo Most sales reps never learn to sell effectively. They learned on the job by going on calls with a manager or a more senior rep. Maybe they sat in on a few training classes which were in reality rah-rah motivational sessions. These sessions are like...

12 Hours a Week

12 Hours a Week Everybody knows that you can’t call: on Mondays – just starting their week. on Fridays – everybody leaves early. from 11am-1pm – at lunch. before 10am – just starting day. after 4pm – leaving for home. weekends – never at office. Therefore can work...