Living Backwards

Living Backwards Dead. Your clock finally timed out. A few (hundreds) attended your funeral. Nobody (everybody) wanted to say some words about you. You were widely reviled (revered) and cursed (blessed) for the many times you screwed (helped) others. You are dead and...

Short Topics

Short Topics I. Competing Against Whom? A Top 1% rep no longer competes against other reps, nor to beat some previous sales records. At this level they have no doubt done so already. They have pondered what to focus on next. Selling more than some other rep doesn’t...

Getting Rich

Getting Rich Introduction There are about 2 million millionaires in the United Sates. Some are worth tens, or hundreds of millions. There are even a few billionaires. With house prices starting at a million in many of the more desirable neighborhoods in major metro...

Missed Meeting Excuses

Missed Meeting Excuses Here are some of my favorites (and every one is real): Didn’t get invitation or know about meeting. Important customer call – closing a deal. I’m sick, have a doctor’s appointment. Kids or wife sick. Car broke down, ran out of gas, in an...

30 Second Story

30 Second Story In prospecting, you have about 30 seconds (if you’re lucky) to make your point and prove worthy of their time and attention. You need to immediately communicate what you can do for them and do so in a compelling utterly convincing way. This is the case...