by Customer Service | Dec 18, 2023 | 14. Commitment
14. Commitment Commitment A Commitment B Sales Reps Commit to the Top 1% Ask a rep is she is “committed to success?” What is she...
by Customer Service | Dec 17, 2023 | 4. Salesmanship
4. Salesmanship Good Idea to Know Your Job Salesmanship is to selling, as acting is to talking. The latter in each case being a poor faded facsimile of the former. Would you pay to see a movie where people talked their lines, without any depth of emotion, or interest,...
by Customer Service | Dec 17, 2023 | 3. How to Sell
3. How to Sell Basics for Sales Reps Step 1 – Establish Rapport Remember the old saying “You only have one chance to make a good first impression”? They were right! But what does this cliché mean? What is a “good impression”? A good impression happens when rapport is...
by Customer Service | Dec 17, 2023 | 2. What is Sales?
2. What is Sales? Defining Sales Sales is the initiation of an exchange of value. When a person offers something of (supposed) value to another person, and proposes an exchange, typically but not always suggesting a price, then the initiator of the transaction can be...
by Customer Service | Dec 16, 2023 | 16. Failure Modes A
16. Failure Modes A Failure Modes 1A Failure Modes 1B Sales Reps Need to Avoid Thesse Mistakes Here is a list of some...