20. Perceived Risk

20. Perceived Risk Top 1% Sales Reps Embrace Risk What does it take to make a sale? The prospect has to want what you are selling more than: 1. Any other possible purchase for that amount 2. Any possible competitor’s product 3. The peace-of-mind of holding onto the...

18. Service

18. Service Sales Reps Can Shift Focus Of course you need to make sales and get paid. If that is your focus the prospect will quickly pick up on it and become defensive. This is a sure way to lose sales. Instead focus on the steps needed to educate and clarify...

15. Comfortable

15. Comfortable Comfortable A https://salesbounce.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Comfortable-A.mp3 Being Comfortable Guarantees Mediocrity Our ancestors were generally tough as nails to withstand harsh day-to-day realities of survival. There were no comfy beds, air...

12. Motivation

12. Motivation Motivation A https://salesbounce.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Motivation-A.mp3 Motivation B https://salesbounce.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Motivation-B.mp3 Sales Reps Don’t Require Motivation   External Motivation Motivation is defined...

19. Breaking Slumps

19. Breaking Slumps Sales Comes in Cycles All activities whether sports, business, relationships, health and so on are cyclic. There are up cycles when everything goes your way and down cycles when all seems hopeless. A sales reps that is self-aware will understand...