Description - Sales Career


For most reps sales is just another job that they intend to quit when something better comes along. There is not one legitimate college major in sales while countless for business. This is the basis for sales as a non-profession without standards respect. A real rep that is professional faces minimal competition for advancement. Many successful CEOs and industry leaders rose through the sales ranks on the way to the top.



Talk about sales as a career. First off, for 99 percent of sales reps, sales is not a career, it’s a job. Typically, they fell into it. A friend might have told them about an opening, so they thought, I’d give it a try. Okay. As far as preparation for sales, there’s not one college in the United States that has a major in sales.

A few have a certificate program, most of which you look at their so called curriculum, or it’s just completely useless. They But firstly, all colleges have a marketing degree. A marketing is great, but it’s not sales. Okay. Marketing is, you know, controlling the evolution of a product, introducing it. So on sales is more tactical.

It’s more, you know, hands on. So then they wonder why sales being a non career has an extremely high attrition rate. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but my professional opinion and my experience is probably over 90%. Okay. Some people go into sales. They find out they really like it. It could be one of the more simple jobs like real estate or insurance, they get a license and they’re kind of set to get good at it.

But for the most other jobs, B2B sales and so on, they have a very high attrition rate. And why is that? It’s because there’s no training. The training is a joke. It’s mythology. It’s hearsay. It’s authority by a non authority. It’s some manager who was a rep himself last week and never really knew what to sell, but now he’s a manager.

He’s going to train you. They could do product training. They could teach you, you know, what button does what app, but as far as sales, it just doesn’t exist. There’s many, many books on sales. By purported experts. If you read these books, they’re almost always the same nonsense repeated endlessly. All the books have about a common theme.

I did a little project once where I took 200 sales books. I was at, uh, Barnes and Noble and Borders and I went through every single book, skimmed through them, and tried to find out anything of value. They all had their one trick. They could add to the pile, okay? But fundamentally, they all said the same thing.

And what they said doesn’t work. It’s why most people quit sales. Okay, as far as, a career is something that you intend to stay with long term, that you invest in. And yeah, it’s a profession. Okay? The way sales people typically act, which a lot of times is ripping off their prospects, it’s not a profession.

If you had a doctor behave like your typical sales rep, A doctor would be dis, uh, loses medical license and probably put in jail, but in sales you can do anything you want. There is no standards. There’s no, there’s no, uh, tests to verify your ability. So calling sales a career, a profession is a joke. It’s not a profession.

Now, on the other hand, you can make it a career and you can make it a profession by the way you personally behave. Okay. And that’s what the sales balance program is all about, by the way, check it out, salesbalance. com. And I have a lot of training out there, like tons. You can look, see for yourself and make a judgment on whether or not what I’m saying is true.

Okay. The career path from entry, entry level, a lot of times leads to someone being a really top rep. Now, when the sales manager. Gets hit in the head by an airplane. The owners of the company look around and they need another manager. Who do you think they’re going to pick? The bottom rep? No, they’re going to take the top guy and say, how would you like to be our sales manager?

Since sales is an onerous, difficult job, they’re going to think, well, this is easy. I don’t have to be on the phone anymore. I don’t have to close. I could just, you know, hire, do some training and fire reps. And you know, it’s a lot easier and I make more money. Okay. So this is how your sales managers are selected, uh, usually by, a lot of times it’s the last guy standing, everybody else quit.

And so what’s his face over there, Bob, you know, he gets to be sales manager without any qualifications. In most cases, the owners have even less sales experience, they could be engineers and they have no idea how sales works. They don’t know how to qualify someone. So they’re easily swayed. By the BS of some rep claiming he could be a manager.

Okay, it just doesn’t work. So there are step by step ways to perfect a craft just like you can wing it in acting or you could take acting classes. Okay. So that’s just the way it is in sales.