Description - Why Sales?


There are countless occupations to choose from if you qualify. A sales rep is on the front line of business between the company and the prospect. The rep must know the relevant markets and the products they offer and how they compare to competitors. You can evolve into an industry expert boosting your market value above those in back-end jobs.

Communication and presentation skills are mandatory. Sales Is a good choice for some but not all. Selling sophisticated product in a competitive market is very challenging. Simpler products require lesser skills.

Key advantages for sales as a career are the potential for pay well above average and more freedom. There are more opportunities to work remote now than in the past. You may be able to live in highly desirable cities without having to look for a local jobs which is not likely to happen.



So why do people become sales reps? Let’s talk about this. Okay. There’s endless careers. The characteristics of sales, being in sales, is that basically you’re communicating and persuading prospects. You have to know what you’re doing first. You have to prepare. And it’s kind of like acting. It’s kind of like you’re on stage, you know, when you’re a rep and you don’t get that opportunity very often.

If you’re an engineer, you’re probably never on stage, okay? But in shows, you’re on stage all the time. So in a way, you get to perfect this performance craft. You get to perform your presentation, talk to people, get a dialogue going. So if you’re the kind of person who likes that, and, by the way, it has nothing to do with being introverted or extroverted.

There are actors that are both, okay, very successful. What matters is their performance, not their supposed characteristics. The other thing is you, as a sales rep, you’re basically on the front line of business. You’re in that interface between the company and the prospect. It’s a very important position, very critical.

You can design and build anything you want, but if you can’t sell it, you know, you don’t have a company. Which means you tend to get noticed. Uh, sales people who rise up the ranks or whatever, they, they tend to become VPs and CEOs at a higher rate than others, okay? Maybe Vine with, uh, Engineering nowadays, if you’re a tech oriented company.

You’re also given a lot more leeway and freedom, typically, unless you’re in a boiler room environment, some call center. But if you’re working kind of independently, you’re out there working, you know, They’re going to be looking at your numbers, not you, making sure that’s about you. They just want to know that you’re bringing in a business and the business is valid, viable business.

Okay. Um, it also lends itself, like I said, to, to business and starting your own company because you already know the more difficult task is sales. You can always buy a product and resell it or provide a service. Maybe someone else knows how to, Do carpet cleaning. You don’t have to know that. You just have to sell the job.

Okay? So long term, you know, you can end up making a lot more money. A good sales rep, in the right situation, can make more than lawyers and doctors. And they can do that literally without a college degree. College degrees are nice, you know, they’re wonderful. But, uh, you don’t have to have that. Also, a lot of sales reps are dyslexic.

It’s not really good with, worse, you know, immersion together, um, when it’s primarily a, a, an oral kind of a process. They tend to, uh, prosper in that environment.

So what else? I’m just trying to figure what else would it be in sales with, um, there is a certain matter of, uh, what’s the right job, you know, sales marketing, you know, somewhat prestige. So anyway, that’s, that’s the, uh, that’s the gist of that topic. I hope you enjoyed it.