Description - Call Me Later


This is the most common objection in sales. More accurately a stall. An excuse well learned to get rid of a rep. Most reps will acquiesce and buy the stall as real. Common courtesy and professionalism seem to dictate this behavior.

This is why there are only 1 out of 100 reps in the Top 1%.

It is imperative that you learn how to now sail right past this stall to get the deal. This requires not just technique but courage to stand your ground. The summit requires the climb.


Call me next week. Have you heard that before from your prospects? So let’s look at that. All right. Most of the time they’re either trying to get rid of you, but they don’t want to say when I’m interested, we’re not going to say have no,

or they just don’t want to make up their mind. Okay. But if they watched your presentation for a length of time, like half an hour, hour, and you’ve got some good feedback that yes, your product seems to be what we’re looking for and a price is fair. And they say, call me next week. That’s just an excuse not to make a decision.

Most people don’t want to make decisions because making a decision is risky. If they decide wrong, they can lose money or lose their job. You know what I mean? And if they decide right, they break even. So it’s really not a good, you know, set of odds there for that to happen. Um, so what do you do when someone says, I want to, you know, think about it or call me next week?

You say, that’s great. I’m really happy to hear that you’re interested enough in the product to deeply consider it. And I was just kind of curious what you’ve seen so far on our product. You think. If this product is in the best interest of your company, then it’ll do what you need done and that the price is fair.

Now there’s two answers, yes or no. They can say, I don’t think it’s the best product for a company or the price isn’t fair. So what did Call Me Next Week accomplish? They just don’t want to tell you that because they’re a chicken. Okay. That’s the way it goes. If they say, no, no, I like the product and you know, the pricing is pretty good, fair price.

I go, okay. So those two factors are in the best interest of your company, right? And they go, right. Okay. And is it in the best sense of your company to wait

and, you know, wait, time goes by, you’re not implementing the latest, greatest technology or service or whatever yet. And let them say, don’t, don’t take them off. They have to say. No, it’s not our best interest. It’s okay. So let’s work together and see what we need to do to issue this product now. So you can go on with your lives and I’m sure you got other things you’re looking at, right?

Other products for other applications. Okay. Um, so I think about it and I call me next week and the same thing. If you accept that, a poer will say, oh, okay, I’ll, I’ll call you next week. Okay? Because he’s spineless. Okay? So he gets off the hook and he eliminates the immediate stress of the conflict and the challenge, you know?

But he’ll lose almost every sale. Call him, be back next week. Doesn’t work. It’ll never get the sale. ’cause in the meantime, they’ll think of other things. they need other competitors products and maybe that competitor has a closer and he will figure out a way to make the deal happen right now. Okay. The other thing you can do is say, you know, when you initially contacted us I can show you the product.

Since then Ive had 22 companies that my boss has lined up for me to go visit and as you might guess it takes a lot of time to set up a deal. These meetings and schedule everything to everybody’s satisfaction and stuff like that. I don’t see how I’m going to possibly contact all these companies, but my boss doesn’t care.

All he knows is that we got leads. You’re going to go follow them up because it’s not going to be him on the chopping block. Like it’s going to be me, okay? So while I’d be happy to come back and chat with you again, okay? And chat with you again is purposely worded. Not talk, chat. Chat diminishes and derogates.

It’s a derogatory term basically for a conversation. I can’t possibly do it. My boss won’t let me. So what you do is you’re not saying that you won’t come back. But your boss won’t let you. The idea here is like chess. You’re going to force them to either tell you what they’re really thinking or say, okay, I guess we might as well just do it now.

Okay. And you can even mention them. Say, look, maybe we could do this. Maybe we can go ahead and I’ll get the order written up for you. You can review it, sign it. I’m going to find out when I can get you in a production queue so we can deliver. And then all these things we talked about, you’re going to have, that’ll be your company now owning all this.

That gives you a competitive advantage. So I could schedule the delivery hopefully by next Thursday. Does that work for you? Don’t say Wednesday or Thursday. You give a guy two choices, you give him a choice to excuse, you know, not choose either one. If next Thursday is not going to work, then he’ll tell you, I don’t know, Thursday, how about Friday, does that work too?

Now when he says, I’d rather do Friday than Thursday, he bought. That’s a buying statement. There’s no question on it. You just write up the order, deliver the product, collect the money, and you’re good to go. Okay, if he says, no, no, I don’t know, I really don’t know if I want to do this or not, Say, okay, that’s not a problem.

Um, if you’re willing to co call again, you can replace this guy. Okay? And you can even tell him, say, look, we’re willing to invest more in marketing to find good prospects. I don’t want to have, I cannot bring a customer into our company and be responsible for that customer if we don’t think it’s a good match.

So call. If you don’t think it’s a good match, then I’m going to thank you for your time. I have to go. If you do think it’s a good match, then again, the best thing to do right now, which you should say to yourself in the best interest of your company is to get the order moving.

And you’re either going to get a yes or a no, he’s going to say, okay, you’re right. But if you would have just said, okay, I’ll come back next week, you would have had nothing. That’s not a salesman. That’s what they call a poser. He’s pretending to be a salesperson. A real salesperson would want to maneuver around and find a way to get the deal done.

Now, if it turns out in your presentation and, you know, responses that this company just does not need what you have, it’s not going to work for them, right? If you take the order that you’re a thief, a crook, no more, no less, okay? You should instantly say, you know what? Based on your answer, I just don’t think this is gonna work.

So I’m gonna exit out and I’ll ask you one last question. Who do you know that might need this product, that has better app, better fit? Okay. And you, you might get a referral and get rid of him, which should been a bad disaster anyway, and bring in another prospect as a referral, which even, even better.

Okay? Because you get referred in and, uh, that’s how that goes. So there’s no next week if you don’t think the customer is a good fit for your product. But if you go by and say, you know, uh, I got 26 other companies to call, I don’t really think this is going to be a good fit for you and you leave. You’re better off getting up front right now before you go screwing around and ruining all your future weeks.

And that’s the way that works.