Description - What is Sales?


This seems obvious but’s not. Many reps take jobs in sales without a clear understanding of their purpose and mission. Sales simply is a business transaction between two parties, buyers and sellers. Often reps think they should persuade prospects for their own gain not knowing or caring about what the prospect wants. Business owners may not always be geniuses but are certainly not stupid. How could they have started and stayed in business unless they knew what they were doing. Assuming otherwise only proves that it’s you that is stupid and not to be trusted.



Everybody wants to be the closer. Closing a sale means you get a commission. You make money. So let’s take a quick look at what closing is all about. There’s countless books and gurus, you know, saying I can make people buy. Well, let’s say they were correct and they could make people buy. You know what that makes them?

Not a superstar closer, it makes them a crook, a thief. Somehow they were able to manipulate people And force them to their will. If that’s what you want out of life, go get it. So what is a close? A close is the conclusion of a transaction. You initiate the transaction, you show a product, they evaluate your product, they make a decision to buy, they buy, you deliver.

So the close is at that decision point. Yes, we’re going to do this. That’s just a natural part of the cycle. If they don’t want to buy it, you’re not going to get the deal. You’re not going to talk them into it. That’s all fantasy. I’ve seen people waste many years of their career, searching for the easy way to get someone to do what they want.

It just doesn’t happen. My daughter, when she was younger, used to leave her socks all over the house. You know who picked up those socks? I did. You know why? Cause she wouldn’t, I couldn’t convince her other way. All right. So she did what she wanted to do. And I couldn’t do anything about it. That was her father.

Now you’ve got an adult business owner. Are you serious? You expect to be able to talk that person. Into doing what you want. Does that sound realistic? Has it worked for you so far? They’re going to buy when they decide it’s in their best interest. I personally don’t like car salesmen. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the profession, except most of them are idiots.

They don’t take the time to really learn the cars. They try to house you. They pick up all these bad hard sell coercive habits. To make the experience very unpleasant. And I’m not alone. Probably 95 percent of the people in the country don’t like ourselves. And for that reason, because they, you know, they’re, well, they’re insincere.

They don’t act in your self interest. All you want is the money. Okay, that’s like marrying a girl who doesn’t like you, doesn’t care about you, all she wants is the money. People, guys will do that because they’re desperate. So the close is very simple. When you’ve, uh, when you’ve, uh, given the information enough so that, uh, prospect wants to buy and they make the decision to buy and you close them, that’s it.

There’s a, an old slogan called always be closing. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Always be closing. It can only mean one thing. It means you keep trying to close over and over again, but Because you want the money, not because you feel that the decision has been made, right, respecting the client as a human being and a business owner, but you keep pushing and pushing and pushing, you know what they call that in the dating world, they call it rape, okay, try that with a girl, always, always push yourself, push yourself, is that sounds like something Or someone you want to be so you do not have to be a hustler Or a client artist to be successful at sales.

As a matter of fact, i’ll tell you right now The person just does their job learns the product becomes an expert at it prospects gets referrals Finds out, you know does a proper job and helps the prospect evaluate your product You help them and you only want to order if you’re convinced that it’s in their self interest Not when you can talk them into it, but when you become convinced you say look I’ve, I’ve turned away clients.

I don’t want anybody buying my product. Who’s not going to win. So I think you’re going to win. What do you think? You think this is what you could do? If so, do it. I’ll tell you right now, if you don’t think this product’s in your best senses, Please just tell me, I’ll, I’ll say goodbye, we’ll go on my merry way, okay?

That’s how that works. So anyway, my name is Paul Mosh, and, uh, my site is salesbounce, like a bounce. I have lots of other training information, and I’m running, uh, weekly classes to help people perfect and to role play and have support from other reps to become successful. And I did it in an economical way.

I’m seriously. So go to sales bounce. com, hit a like on this video if you want. I mean, if you think it’s worthwhile, you know, I’ve seen guys, they start asking for you to hit, hit the like button, hit the like button before the video started, that is a thief. He’s asking you for something before he gave you anything.

I don’t want to like, I only want to like at the end. If you think this is valuable, then Hey, hit it up. That gets me a better on better ranking on YouTube. More people will find my channel. You know? Which would be great, I guess. You know, I’m not gonna live or die by it, but it’d be nice. So I appreciate your attention, and we’ll hit another video soon.