Description - What Competition?


To succeed in sales keep your eyes ahead, move fast, it doesn’t matter what’s behind you. The “competition” instill fear in the meek. Is the threat real?If the prospect doesn’t mention competitor the threat is a mirage. Go forth boldly.



Talk about competition between reps. If you’re a salary rep and they’re going to give you a bonus if you’re in the top ten or whatever, then, you know, go for it. But for commission reps, it just doesn’t make any sense. You’re already motivated because you need to make sales to make a living, okay? So, contests and awards and bonuses.

It’s a distraction. Focus on how many calls you’re going to make each day, how many presentations, and then close as many as you possibly can, okay? It doesn’t matter what someone else does, okay? So when I was with AllData, there’s like 300 reps. Okay. And I just, um, you know, got this job at a young wife and a baby.

She’s the one that working and all of a sudden I had a house payment. All of a sudden I needed the money. So I got up early and I came back late. And I hauled ass. Okay. And at the end of the year, and the first full year I looked at it, you know, I’m number one, I’m going to get a big award. I had no idea who the number two was.

Number three, I didn’t know these guys and I could care less what they did. Okay. Didn’t matter to my income. Okay. Now the management, they kept trying to turn into a horse race. Oh, we got to catch up to Paul. Paul did this, Paul did that. I would not participate. They were really mad at me because I would not participate in their horse race.

Like I said, it didn’t matter what they did. I wasn’t in it to be number one. That was a byproduct of hustling to make money. I wanted the money. Okay, whether I was number one, that means you’re comparing me to other reps. And as I just mentioned, it doesn’t matter what they did, they aren’t going to pay my bills.

So my advice I guess is just to focus on yourself, don’t worry about what anybody else is doing, and just crank, run as fast as you can, okay? You’ve probably seen, you know, 400 meter foot races. The guy out in front, he keeps looking back and what’s going to happen is he’s probably going to trip. Or get all nervous, or, you know, the advice for him is to run.

Keep running as fast as you can, and don’t worry what these other guys are doing. If you’re the fastest, you’ll come in first place. If you’re not, you won’t. Looking back is only a distraction. Okay? Unless you’re doing a relay race. Anyway, I hope this, uh, you find this entertaining, and we’ll talk to you again at the next video.