Description - Sales Slumps


Everybody who plays the game and strives to be a success will face slumps where nothing seems to work. You are stalled. You can easily succumb to the temptation to quit and find an easier path. You will fall into despair and mope, complain and blame others. That path is an illusion. Best to push forward and meet your commitments.

Sounds good in theory but a mythical positive attitude won’t make it real otherwise any chump with a phone would be closing deals. You indeed are not a chump or you would not be here ready to learn.

This video will show you the way to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Anybody with some imagination and courage can make this method work. You will learn to banish slumps faster than they can arise. You will be a consistent performer which is the basis of the Top 1% status.

Slackers on your team may think you are lucky. They will be right but clueless to realize that you make your own luck. You decided to create your own reality. A story with you as the hero who manifests a dream life.



One thing all sales reps are going to have to face is the slump. You might have been top gun last month. Now you’re working to make a lot of calls and you can’t sell anything. It’s just not coming too far. Now at first you might say, well, everything’s the same. This month is last. It must be my attitude.

I don’t have a positive attitude. Well, I think we’ve already talked about the positive attitude. So that’s not it. I’m going to give you a simple technique on how to take a slump to being the top rep in your company. And it’s going to take you one minute. Instead of walking in there gun shy, ready to get beaten ahead again, when you make the call, you’re going to say, let me pretend that this is the best month I’ve ever had.

I’m selling so many, this is, I can’t believe it. You know what I mean? I’m going beyond what number one would be. And you just say, what would happen if I did that? And this pretend, so you work on a call and you say, oh man, I’m, I’m going to talk to you, but, uh, I got to tell you right up front that we’re getting back sales are going so great for our company.

And, uh, I know I promised you, you know, I would show you the system, but so I’ll let you know up front that you might have to wait a while. Now this is an actual occurrence that I did when I was selling for all data. And here’s what happened. Instead of taking an hour to produce a demo, I did 20 minutes. I go, okay, well, I’m not sure what you think, but I gotta go.

I got something else to go. No, no, no, no. We want to do this. So I said, you want to, you want to buy this? If you do, I’ll see what I can do about putting you at top of head of the line. Okay. And that’d be great. His dad. Ran to the desk, stumbled over the coffee table, tripped, hit the floor, got up and ran to his checkbook and said, I saw this, make it up to all data, you know, for 3, 500.

Like I said, I’ll make a call right now. I’ll see if I get you guys, you know, ahead of the line. And, uh, after that little call I did, I still want, of course, nothing better for a so called positive attitude than making a sale and making 3, 500 bucks. Okay. For 20 minutes work. And, uh, so I went to the next one and the next one and the next one.

And that month I far surpassed any other rep.

You know what I mean? And it was all basically, um, fictional bullshit. For lack of a better word. But once it really, I had it in my head, that I was gonna be, that I was, that I was number one. And the universe had to catch up. And make me number one. And it worked. So I mean, you can apply this to your product too.

Just take, like I say, take your depressive defeatist state, and in your head say, you know, I’m the best, I’m the number one, going to Calgary. How about if you’re looking for a girlfriend, right? And you’re getting turned down, okay? Because you can imagine the same thing and say, Look, I have girls calling me up day and night.

They want to date me. I don’t have time for all this stuff, you know? And put that into your head. You’ll program your subconscious with that state of mind. And watch what happens next.