Description - Remote Life


Working remote at home is a dream for people tired of being a wage slave. No more long, boring costly commutes. Needing to buy new clothes and paying for lunches out. Crazy expensive gas, maintenance and repairs. Depreciating your car with excess mileage so trade in value is low.

Work environments are increasing toxic and hostile as coworkers struggle ands compete to keep their jobs. Having to be nice to people you loathe, being watched over like a child by cruel unqualified bosses. Rampant discrimination and accusations that create anxiety forcing you to be ever vigilant and stifling your personality and views. Mandatory seminars that propagandize and assume your guilt.

You can escape this fate by working remote. You will need to discover what talents and services you can offer that people will pay you for to replace the salary you make (less all the costs required to keep your job). You can try to get permission from your employer (master and overlord) to work from home but it’s no fun being a slave-driver unless you can see them sweat, cower and squirm.

Or you can go independent declaring yourself proud and free. Sales can be a good way to make your dreams of freedom and self-respect. Never worrying about money again.

Most people don’t make it because they are afraid to try. They abhor risk They don’t know how.

I can show you how to make it happen. Step-by-step. Sales is great if you know the secrets and awful if you are clueless. Without realistic sales training you will fail and end up in a box under the highway. Most sales training is useless crap. That’s why most reps don’t make it, They end up broke and broken. They go back looking for some cubicle gig. Humiliated and embarrassed. They rarely try again. They live small lives and die in anonymity.

I have trained over 20,000 sales reps. About 10% did what it took to make it. The other 90% are still wage slaves.

Your first step is to watch this short video. Then visit my website to see the vast collection of eBooks, videos, animations and audios I created. They are based on my 35 years of experience building commission sales teams for 145 client companies. It’s the largest sales library ever created for entrepreneurial sales reps. It’s all complete FREE.

You can also register for weekly Advanced Sales Training classes. You will get the opportunity to practice and master the methods all proven to work in actual on the job sales calls. Advanced theory, role-play and coaching gets you to the Top 1% skill level and earnings.



  Let’s talk about remote sales, which traditionally is called work from home sales. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Look, if you’re a real social person, and you need to be around everybody else, and tell jokes, and be around, and go out to lunch, you don’t want to work in an office. You know, you’re not going to be happy at home.

Okay? If you’re the, uh, if you’re the kind of guy who needs constant mental kind of reinforcement from others, validation, you’re not likely to get that as a remote worker. On the other hand, maybe you’re a real introvert, or you just don’t like people all that much. And believe me, I’ve seen some fantastic reps who are anti social.

It has nothing to do with anything. Working remote might be for you, and then there’s two ways to do this. You can work at home, or you can go get yourself some shared office space, or some other location where you can work. Working home obviously has the advantage of no commuting. You got the kitchen right there, you can make yourself some coffee anytime you want.

You know, you can stroll load in the laundry, you know, whatever you want to do. But if you’ve got a wife and kids and a dog and a cat and antelope at home, then it’s, you just, it’s not going to work. So you need quiet. You need to focus on the job. Okay. But if you’re married and your wife goes to work in the morning, then you get to host yourself all day.

If you drop off the kids in school, there you go. You’re good to go. Um, the, another advantage that you’re, you could be much more productive. working remotely on your own schedule, you can more or less so when you feel like it, that’s when you’re at your best. A lot of times you’re forced to sell, even when you know, you’re just standing in the movie, exact to work.

Okay? So you can raise your schedule accordingly. Right? Um, the extra hours in a day that you get from that commuting and that go out to lunch during the day at some office somewhere, it’s just, it’s really fantastic. You can work you know what, you know, like I say, what would you like to work a two hour day.

Well, if you’re working in an office and you screw around for an hour and a half, that’s a half hour day. You’re not going to make any money. But if you’re at home, you got a quiet, productive work environment and you just crank, maybe you’re not going to make calls at eight o’clock, maybe you’ll wait till nine or 10 after you have a coffee and it kicks in, okay?

Make the calls when you’re able to make calls the best. This way you can work two hours and you might work, uh, get more done in two hours than other people do working eight. In the army they said, and it’s advertised on TV, Do more before 9am than others do all day. Well, you know what? I can testify to that.

Absolutely correct. Uh, we would get up at 4. 30. That would be sleeping in. Clean the, uh, barracks there. Get ready for PT. Go out for like an hour and a half. You know, uh, doing PT. Come back. Do other clean, uh, really clean the, uh, the barracks again. Get dressed and it’s like nine o’clock. And by the time, you know, you felt like you accomplished a lot cause you did.

So initially when I did sales, I was doing outside sales. I was selling technology equipment to auto repair businesses. I really liked it. I would get up, drive my car and I didn’t have to make appointments cause I was just cold call. I’d walk in. I’m here, you know, and I pitched my product and actually I really, I really enjoyed that.

I liked it. And I, I just made the fact that I’m going to get up early. I’m going to hit, I’m going to push my car away from the driveway by eight o’clock. And then in the evening at five o’clock when everybody else was rushing to get home, I made 50 percent of my deals after five o’clock. Cause these guys weren’t as busy then.

Everybody’s whining down from the day. I’d walk in and I mean, they gave me a beer and I made a lot of deals that way. Okay. And I really enjoyed that, that schedule. Then I got involved in sales, like calling lawyers and other things. You have to do it on the phone. And initially, I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it because I’m a good, I like to be a performer in person.

You know, do my song and dance and my stand up routine. And I was just really good at that. Then I had to start all over again learning how to sell on the phone. And after a while, It kind of dawned on me that I wouldn’t trade. The phone was much better. It’s much more efficient. You know, have you ever seen these things that float on water like a lake?

Those are called boats. Okay. And if you’re working on a two hour day, guess where you could be? You could be on a boat. You know what I mean? So, you know, you can make those things that do. Go hiking, whatever you want to do, but when you’re working outside, you know, outside sales or in an office, you’re never going to have that kind of freedom and time.

Okay. So if you haven’t done it yet, you know, I would do this. Plus the whole, you know, uh, emergency we had over the last couple of years, they’re always afraid to leave their house. They’re hiding in their basements, you know, you know, we’re in cartoon mess. Uh, you know, that made a lot of people said, you know, if I had a chance to work, you know, At home, I would do so.

Now, in, in, in Wonderland, utopia cities like San Francisco, everything is just fantastic. Everybody’s happy, they’re making money, the stores are busy 24 hours a day. There’s no one going, there’s no one there. Everybody at home, the buildings are vacant. Alright, the stores close out. So in that circumstance, if you happen to live in one of these utopias, You’re not going to work in an office.

Office is gone, you know what I mean? So, here’s what it takes to, to work remotely. You’ve got to be, you have to know what you’re doing, because you can’t keep asking people all the time. So you have to be good at what you do. You have to be responsible for your own performance. You have to be, have a strong willpower to not screw around all day just because you’re home.

So that’s like a child. If you’re a child, not an adult, who takes responsibility, then you better find an office job. Because those jobs are perfect for children. Okay? It’s like going to kindergarten all over again. Teacher tells you what to do, what time to be there. You know what I mean? If you, if you like to live like that, then you know, there you go.

Here’s the other advantage of remote jobs. You can work for companies. Anywhere, anywhere in the country because they don’t care where you live. They care what you could do for them. Okay? So your, your choice of jobs and opportunities is endless. Also businesses, you don’t have to rely on your local market.

If you want to start a business. Okay. Uh, you can take clients anywhere, consulting, whatever. This could jumpstart your, your, your progress. You know what I mean? And you can make so much more money and retire earlier. and have more for your control. Once you’re in control of your own destiny, there’s no looking back.

Our forefathers and They were business owners, they owned farms, or they were blacksmiths, okay? And you know, they, what else was there, yeah, they sold seed, and they, you know, fixed your horse. There wasn’t that many people working for other people, because most people were self employed, because that’s the way the economy was.

So, in a way, it looks kind of like we’re going back in that direction, okay? The tools that you have right now with the internet, And apps and software and CRMs and, you know, auto dialers and whatnot. There’s so many productive tools that you could crank enough to worry about your employer paying for it.

You pay for it. Okay. You can be much more productive. So let’s circle back to the two hour day, the mythical two hour day. It’s true. If you, most people waste most of their work day. Anyway, if you’re serious, do a crank and make X amount of calls. That’s what you have to do. See, I want to have, A list or a leads, whatever I got, and I’m going to make X amount of calls, and then I’m done.

And since you’re going to be done, you have to make things happen, because you only have two hours to do it. If you have an eight hour day, well, I’ll do it later. I’ll do it after lunch. You’ll just put things off. You’ll screw around. That’s why most people aren’t successful. You have to, you have to hit your two hours like your ass is on fire, okay?

Drink 15 cups of coffee. I don’t care what you do, but your goal is not sales. Your goal is calls. How many presentations can I make? Okay. If you’re good, the sales will follow. And if you’re not, you should quit sales or get me, or attend my training. I’ll get you there. Okay. So all in all, I would say that, well, I, I’ve been, I was remote selling, uh, either for some of us and I’ve been starting like 87.

I started early. I was like the only one around. You know what I mean? When I walked outside in the middle of the day, they thought I was, you know, gonna break into someone’s house. You know, they don’t understand the work I’m from. What happens and most people thought I was a bum and I was screwing around because I really didn’t have a real job I was just you know working from home.

Okay, and now I’m finding a great amusement that almost everybody is working remote now It’s absolutely incredible. So I have a big head start. I know how to do it I worked with a lot of reps through to let’s do it I’ve had reps in Singapore and Thailand and guess what they’re working from home, India, Bangladesh They are making so much more money With me paying the American dollars and they were, you know, working at Bangladesh for a dollar a month.

Okay, great opportunity So I work with a better part What you need to do this you need to find an appropriate product that has a high demand That you can sell that you know about or you can learn about. Okay, don’t get five jobs get one good one All right, if the job doesn’t work out and you have to quit then quit Just remember, it’s probably query because you gave up too early, all right?

If the company’s in business and other people are selling, then you can probably sell it. Alright, if you can’t, go to my training and I’ll help you get scored away, okay? I think it’s one of the best things that ever happened. We’re going back to the days where people were self employed, you have more pride, more self reliance, you know what I mean?

Just the idea that you’re in charge of your own destiny is such a relief than taking, acting like a puppy dog for some employer who will never be loyal to you. They will fire you and lay you off, they don’t give, they don’t care, alright, you’re, you’re nothing. But when you, you’re self employed, you’re working for yourself, you’re working for a great boss, right?

Okay, so anyway, I welcome any comments or questions on this and I can cover this more in one of our weekly training sessions if you’d like to.