Description - Positive Attitude


The biggest most destructive myth in sales. How exactly does a rep change their “Attitude” If this myth was true then opposing teams in sports would always at least tie if they both practiced positive attitude. Better to dance around a campfire chanting to the “gods”.



Let’s talk about the number one myth in sales. Positive attitude. I don’t know how this took over everybody’s head, but positive attitude is nonsense. Let me prove it to you. Here at the Super Bowl, there’s two teams. Both of them are being all revved up by their coaches, told to have a positive attitude.

One of those teams was going to lose. What good did positive attitude do them? And the team that won, are you saying that all that practice, skill, training, and ability didn’t have nothing to do with it? That positive attitude is why they won. That really is a derogatory evaluation for the winning team.

Another example is your car. When you get in your car and turn the key or push the button, you expect the car to start. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a good mood or a bad mood, positive attitude or negative. Now, let’s say your battery’s dead, but you have a really great positive attitude. You go to start your car, what happens?

The car won’t start. Positive attitude has nothing to do with it. Would you rather have an all cheerful, bubbly pilot, full of, you know, positive attitude and happiness, but no skill as a pilot? Or a skillful pilot that has a negative attitude and he’s in a bad mood? Which one’s going to get you there safely?

Waiting for a positive attitude to happen is the biggest excuse not to work or not to sell. You can just say, hey, I have a cop out. Uh, I, my attitude was bad. No, your attitude wasn’t bad. You were bad. You didn’t follow the sell, the process. If you follow a known sales process, positive attitude has absolutely nothing to do with it.

So look, every moment you spend thinking about positive attitude is a moment wasted. You can’t control your positive attitude anyway. You could try to talk yourself into it. It doesn’t work. The only way you can get a positive attitude of such a thing even exists is to get a sale. Then you’re all happy and positive.

But what about the next deal? You always going to walk around like that? Positive attitude? No. So anyway, uh, I welcome any comments you have on this topic and I’ll see you in the next video.