Description - Overseas Dream


Working remote at home is a dream for people tired of being a wage slave. No more long, boring costly commutes. Needing to buy new clothes and paying for lunches out. Crazy expensive gas, maintenance and repairs. Depreciating your car with excess mileage so trade in value is low.

Work environments are increasing toxic and hostile as coworkers struggle ands compete to keep their jobs. Having to be nice to people you loathe, being watched over like a child by cruel unqualified bosses. Rampant discrimination and accusations that create anxiety forcing you to be ever vigilant and stifling your personality and views. Mandatory seminars that propagandize and assume your guilt.

You can escape this fate by working remote. You will need to discover what talents and services you can offer that people will pay you for to replace the salary you make (less all the costs required to keep your job). You can try to get permission from your employer (master and overlord) to work from home but it’s no fun being a slave-driver unless you can see them sweat, cower and squirm.

Or you can go independent declaring yourself proud and free. Sales can be a good way to make your dreams of freedom and self-respect. Never worrying about money again.

Most people don’t make it because they are afraid to try. They abhor risk They don’t know how.

I can show you how to make it happen. Step-by-step. Sales is great if you know the secrets and awful if you are clueless. Without realistic sales training you will fail and end up in a box under the highway. Most sales training is useless crap. That’s why most reps don’t make it, They end up broke and broken. They go back looking for some cubicle gig. Humiliated and embarrassed. They rarely try again. They live small lives and die in anonymity.

I have trained over 20,000 sales reps. About 10% did what it took to make it. The other 90% are still wage slaves.

Your first step is to watch this short video. Then visit my website to see the vast collection of eBooks, videos, animations and audios I created. They are based on my 35 years of experience building commission sales teams for 145 client companies. It’s the largest sales library ever created for entrepreneurial sales reps. It’s all complete FREE.

You can also register for weekly Advanced Sales Training classes. You will get the opportunity to practice and master the methods all proven to work in actual on the job sales calls. Advanced theory, role-play and coaching gets you to the Top 1% skill level and earnings.



I’m seeing more and more on YouTube and other social medias, younger people who are basically being kicked out, not just the middle class, but the lower class, they’re not, they’re not getting anywhere. The cost of living so high, last couple of years, rent’s going up, your thousand dollars apartment is now 15, 000.

You know, if you don’t have the money, you can’t afford it. Cars have gone up. A lot of people are making thousand dollar car payments. Houses are so far beyond affordability that they pretty much know they’re never going to afford a house. If you play that game in this country, you’re going to lose.

You’re not going to reproduce what the boomers did 30, 40 years ago when there was only half the population. It was 3 billion instead of 7 billion people. What that means is that everything is going up. There’s more and more demand, there’s a competition for lots and houses and cars, everything. Here’s a way for you to win on your terms.

First off, you gotta go to a different country where the cost of living is much more affordable, much different pace of life. Thailand, Philippines, you know, Mexico. Some of these places are really nice, you know. They used to compare poorly against the U. S. before the U. S. imploded. Look around. www.

larryweaver. com These countries are becoming first world. Be that as it may. Let’s say you can live in a lot of these countries for 1, 200, a month, really comfortably. You could do that here. You have to make 10 grand a month to have that standard of living. If you’re lucky, rent might be 500, 250, 500, 000.

Way low. You may not need a car. Food is cheap and it’s plentiful. And it’s also very healthy food, freshly grown at farmers markets.

So, but how do you, you can’t. Get a job in these countries because they don’t want anybody competing with their citizens. They’ll take you in if you can add something to their economy, but they don’t want you taking it anyway. So you need a job that you can do remotely online. And guess what sales is? You can take a commission only sales job and nobody knows where you’re at.

I’ve hired reps from the Philippines, you know, South America, all over the map. And I didn’t even really know where they live. I didn’t really care. Okay. All I knew is they’re going to make phone calls, make deals, send them new orders and I was going to pay them. Um, you could do that, so, or you could have some skill like, you know, video games or web designer, you know, video editor, all those other kinds of jobs.

Those jobs are great if you don’t mind competing on Fiverr with people from Bangladesh over dollar day. So if you think you can do it online, guess what? They can do it too. Tons of people from India and other countries are flooding, you know, emailing every company in the country offering to do web design and SEO.

That’s another loser game. You cannot compete against third world countries. But if you can close a deal, they can’t really do that. A lot of people I’ve seen aren’t any good at even doing lead generation. They just don’t understand the culture and the language of dealing with American people and companies.

But you do, and it doesn’t matter where you park your ass. You could be any country, you could be in a boat for all I care. All I know is that you’re going to close the deal, now your employer is going to deposit Your commissions into a bank account, you could access that bank account from anywhere in the world, even an ATM.

Okay? So you can have your money sale, boom, it hits your account, you know, boom, you got your ATM. Take local currency and you could have a life, okay? For most of you right now, unless you have rich parents or you’re gonna be some kind of a neurosurgeon, you are not going to have a life. You’re gonna be struggling and whining and moaning about your lot.

Because very few people will have the nerve to, to move overseas, okay? I worked in Saudi Arabia for two years as an engineer in a hospital. Okay, there you go. You know, I know what it’s like. It was really challenging and difficult, but very interesting. I was in my 20s. It’s a very interesting life experience.

You’ve probably heard of digital nomads. They take their laptop. They travel from place to place. Okay, they go to Vietnam. They go to, you know, Singapore, anywhere they want, as long as they want. And then they move. Why? Because it does not matter where they’re physically located. They’re not doing business with the locals.

They’re doing business for a client, usually back in the States. Okay, you could also approach local companies since you’re an expert on being an American and they’re not. Right. You can say, look, I can help you find new opportunities and this and that new clients in the United States help you import your products.

They will pay a lot of money for that. There are thousands of ways to work independently and remotely and to live anywhere you want versus one way here, giving up your life, trying to get a job, trying to get people to give you a salary. I want to lay you off later, you know, if you’re in your twenties, in your thirties, forties, fifties, that job is, you know, your life is gone.

Okay, so you can have, make money, you can take a lot of time off, you can explore, you can travel. You might find that dream mate, you know what I mean, that it’s harder and harder to find in the U. S. Uh, don’t get me started on that, all right? And it will be an adventure, your life will become an adventure.

Uh, prosperity, fun, opportunity, meeting people. You can meet people all over the world and inside your cell phone you know someone so, you know, in Taiwan or whatever, and you can drop in and visit. Compare that to your current trajectory, which is into a pit of hell, because that’s your opportunity. The opportunities in this country for young people, primarily for most people, is gone.

Again, play a game you can win or keep playing a game you’re going to lose. Be interested in hearing your feedback on the comments. Thank you.