Description - No Try in Sales


Saying you will “try” is saying you will quit in sales. When you find the going difficult you will have programmed your mind to quit. There are other jobs. If you quit the odds increase dramatically that you will quit again. After a few rounds your odds plummet to zero. Quitting will become a habit. It’s comfortable at the bottom. No effort or anxiety. You may say I know others can do it but I tried and could not. Or worse you can blame the economy, product, company and boss for your poor results. How convenient!



145 sales teams, 20, 000 reps, recruited, trained and managed. And here’s how many succeeded after telling me the following. I’d like to try this job out, see how it goes.

Now, let’s compare this. Let’s try that. You want to be a doctor? I’d like to try out being a doctor in Seattle Coast. How about an astronaut? I’d like to try it out in Seattle Coast. Give me a position where you could do that. What it is, the guaranteed failure. You built in the excuse up front that if it gets difficult, you’re going to quit.

That just does not work. My ultimate advice is very simple. Either you’re 100 percent dedicated to being a success in sales or just do something else. If you’re waiting for an easy job, sales isn’t it. You can make a lot of money, you might enjoy it, but no one’s ever called it easy. Okay. It’s always a slog.

It’s hard work. Let’s say you want to try out for a football team, you want to be the quarterback, let’s try it out and see how it goes. What coach is going to put you on the team? You’re looking for someone that’s dedicated, you know, motivated, and so on, that they can then invest in, because I would never invest in a rep who said that.

On occasion, since it’s a commission only job, I say, okay, go ahead and try it out. They always quit. I won’t invest anything in them until they get a few free sales and decide this is what they want to do. I’m not going to do it. So anyway, that’s uh, that’s it. That’s the primary cause of failure in sales.