49. Missed Meeting Excuses

Sales Reps Try to Sell These

Here are some of my favorites (and every one is real):

Didn’t get invitation or know about meeting.
Important customer call – closing a deal.
I’m sick, have a doctor’s appointment.
Kids or wife sick.
Car broke down, ran out of gas, in an accident.
Just got in from traveling.
It was raining, cold, hot, humid, foggy, windy.
I forgot.

I don’t need to go to meetings since I am a superstar, have 20 years sales experience, commission-only, your buddy.
I was abducted by aliens, again, and ran out of Preparation H.
And my all time favorite (not made up, I promise, right Wayne?) “I had to take my girlfriend’s cat to the vet.”

Here is my response: If there was $1,000 at stake, would you have been able to remember and be at the meeting? I thought so.

By the way, my response about the sick cat was “Here’s $5, get another cat.”